The Present Danger & The Victory

A terrorist is a person who has willingly been misled into a belief system that is inimical to life and liberty. He or she has embraced a diabolical ideology that foments terrible violence, destruction, and elimination of human life.

We, as a nation, Americans, as a people, have always held the beliefs that life and liberty are sacred. Our ideology is one of compassion, construction, and respect for all life.

Unfortunately, there is a war going on. It is a war for the hearts and minds of human beings. It is being waged worldwide, and all the actors are not flesh and blood. There are, of course, people involved, but there are also principalities and powers who are stronger than we. There are ideals not easily banished from susceptible humanity.

To win this war it will take the sacrifice of precious lives in combat, of lives that are taken without just cause, lives we can ill afford to lose. If we win, if we overcome this present evil, we will also have to submit ourselves to the love and power of Almighty God. Christ is the One, who will ultimately win this war. It has always been waged throughout all history. We will triumph in the Lord! Heed the call! Jesus is Coming! Everybody Get Ready, The King Is Coming!


Hope In A Moment

I gravitate toward God
It is natural for me,
Sometimes I also
Wallow in the murk;
Because sin haunts me.

My mouth speaks prayers,
Gratitude, and praise,
Sometimes I curse
Like someone lost;
Sin tossed on the sea.

I believe I am saved,
Born again, a Christian,
Sometimes I worry
I am wrong, deceived;
His Spirit is not in me.

Without His grace
Nothing would I be;
Sometimes I wonder
If Jesus truly meant
Salvation for me.

I am a human bundle
Of troublesome contradictions;
Sometimes my faith
Lifts my soul so I see Christ,
In eternity, is waiting for me.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Creativity Project Year Two-Day 12

Journal entry:

Journal 1-20-20130001


Nearly, Dearly

I do not know
Or deeply understand,
But I am led deeper into
Relationship with Christ the Savior by
The Holy Spirit who lives in
My heart always wooing
Me, bringing me

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, January 20, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I spent over an hour thoroughly cleaning my bathroom during the night.
2.   I decided to stay up all night so that I would not miss going to church.
3.   I had a hot shower.
4.   I decided to stay for Worship Service, and it was much better than last week.
5.   Mom went to town with me this afternoon.
6.   Mom shopped with me at Sam’s Club.
7.   I have thought of a way to replace Mom’s Ensure if needed.
8.   I can make fruit smoothies that will be a good substitute.
9.   I got two nice shirts and two more devotionals for very good prices at Sam’s Club.
10. This blog challenges me to do more than I believe possible.


My Sunday has been fabulous. I hope you have enjoyed your day as well. Make time to nourish the creative part of yourself by making something wonderful to share with the world. You are talented enough to excel if you apply your efforts diligently.

As a prompt, write about your understanding of the purpose of the Bible. Even if you are not a Christian you likely have encountered the most popular book in all history. If you have questions, I will attempt to answer them, or search out an answer. Should you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I would love to read your thoughts, suggestions, or even criticism, so please leave a comment. If you enter your email above, you can join the mailing list for Chronicles and receive updates in your inbox.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project-Day 237

Journal entry:

Journal 9-2-20120001

The poem below is in answer to today’s prompt at The Sunday Whirl. The words from that site are in italics. I hope you will visit there if you need a creativity boost.

Small Miracle

There must have been nine
Angels dressed in pearly white
Or some large number
Watching over me last night,
Because evidence is clear.

I could not refresh
Myself in peaceful sleep, but
Had my heart laid bare,
My mind was so gassed up with
Caffeine it was in high gear.

Somehow a smooth shift
In perception did occur,
And in the final
Hours before the breaking dawn
I chose to ready myself.

Services started
Well before nine this morning,
But I was at church
Anticipating Sunday
School without any complaint.

Surely evidence
God had His hand guiding me
Throughout the final
Hours of the swift passing night
So I would refresh my soul.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, September 2, 2012



Sculpture in the foyer of Central Baptist Church. I purposely enlarged it so maybe you can see the detail. I think it is gorgeous and so poetic.


A backdrop where the youth meet…


A mural on the wall in the youth assembly…

I am grateful:

1.   I took a shower during the night and got dressed in anticipation of going to church.
2.   I left in time to get a good parking place.
3.   I visited with some of the church family I had not seen in some time.
4.   I was able to participate in the Sunday School Class discussion.
5.   I bought enough drinks for a while at Wal-Mart.
6.   I hand washed some clothes Mom had messed up before putting them in the washer.
7.   I got home in time to fix Mom’s lunch.
8.   Even though my mind was boggled by the wordle, I came up with a poem.
9.   My shoulder is not hurting too bad.
10.  I got some pictures at church.

I hope your Sunday has been glorious. I have enjoyed mine immensely, though I am a bit exhausted. I hope you will make time to exercise your creativity. I know it is not always easy, but the effort is worthwhile. You just have to make use of the opportunity to the best of your ability.

For a prompt, write about something unexpected or unplanned that you have done recently. I know our lives are busy and structured, but surely you can think of an event. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I am so glad you chose to visit my blog. I hope you enjoyed your stay and will return often. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism, I would appreciate your leaving a comment.

Jo Ann


365 Creativity Project-Day 212

Journal entry:

Journal 8-8-20120001

I used the words suggested at Poetic Asides in the following poem. Should you need a little creative push visit that web site.

My Encouragement

Write a poem today,
You have all the perfect words
Within your great mind;
Use your imagination,
It is not so difficult.

You might ably change
The outlook of another’s
Day, bringing gladness
Or giving hope to someone
Who is suffering despair.

Wrap your lines sweetly,
Opening the bottle of
Your intense longing
Soul, making a bargain with
You own deeply hidden poet.

Change the world with words
You have been holding within
Your generous heart
Awaiting the right moment
To share your truth with others.

Bear the large burden
Of your creativity
And use it to weave
Sentences that can bring peace
Freeing others through your poem.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, August 8, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I got a little extra sleep.
2.   I have Diet Sam’s Colas to enjoy since I could not afford Diet Cokes.
3.   I am still reading the Bible aloud to Mom every day and am on schedule to finish the whole book by the end of the year.
4.   I cooked Ramen noodles and stir fry vegetables for supper. We enjoyed the meal.
5.   I have kept up with my email today so I will not have a lot to do later as I usually do.

Wednesday is midweek, with the weekend in sight. I hope you have had a good and productive day. Take a few moments to do something creative now. You can make a wonderful gift to share with the world if you attempt it.

As your prompt today write about someone you admire. If you are a visual artist, do a portrait of them or make an image that represents them. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your creation in the comments below.

I hope something here touched your heart. If you have suggestions or comments I would love to read them.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project-Day 176

Journal entry:

Journal 7-3-20120001

Because It Is True

I am a Christian,
I have faith in Jesus Christ,
I believe respect
Should be given to others
With their differing beliefs.

I am Democrat,
But I am a patriot,
I believe freedom
Is for every one of us,
I do love America.

I have a real heart,
I have a tender conscience,
I am helpful to
Others who are in great need,
I live with due diligence.

I am really not
Republican’s enemy,
I am a person
The same as any other
Living life the best I can.

I do not rant and
Rail with despicable strife
Against people who
Hold opposing opinions,
Even when they spit upon me.

I am not a dog
To be kicked around this place,
I have the same right
To follow my convictions
As anyone living here.

This America
Belongs to me as much as
It does to others,
And I will exercise rights
I am allowed completely.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, July 3, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I live in the United States of America.
2.   I have personal freedom.
3.   My beautiful dog, Hope, loves me.
4.   I have a place to live.
5.   I have food to eat.

I hope your Tuesday has been pleasant. I hope you will make an effort to do something creative now. I believe you have the ability and talent to make a contribution to our world. Creativity is a blessing you can share with others.

If you need a prompt, write about something you feel about strongly. It could be your religion, your politics, your race, your job, your family, a charity, or anything else. If you use the prompt please leave a link to your work in the comments here so we can share your creation.

I realize you may disagree with my entry today, but whatever you have to share I would love to read your comment. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, it means a lot to me.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project-Day 160

Journal entry:

Journal 6-17-20120001

Today’s poem uses the wordle at The Sunday Whirl. The words in italics were suggested there. If you are in need of inspiration please visit that site.

Heart Songs

Our current paths trace
A rough draft through our spare days
And blend together
Easing the racket into
A soft and gentle refrain.

The crack of our smile
Diminishes our temper
With a winding string
Of happiness we can latch
Onto every single day.

We strike out anew
Each morning with a full chest
Accomplishing all
Our imagination draws
Our hearts toward finishing.

We write beautiful
Lines across the fabric of
The whole universe,
Our lives are songs woven through
The moments of passing time.

Great inspiration
Wells up within us bringing
That we will create pleasing
Things which stand throughout the years.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, June 17, 2012



The church we attended today…


Another view…

I am grateful:

1.   Leigh visited and carried off our trash last night.
2.   Laura invited me to church.
3.   I woke up in plenty of time to get ready this morning.
4.   I enjoyed the Catholic church services.
5.   Alex is doing well even though he is in Afghanistan.

I hope you are having a pleasant Sunday. If you have not already, take time to create something. You have the gift of creativity needed to accomplish something of great worth.

If you need a prompt today and choose not to use the wordle mentioned above, write about your relationship with your father or being a father. Should you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I would love to know what you think of today’s entry, so please leave me a comment.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project-Day 154

Journal entry:

Journal 6-11-20120001

Imperfect, But Worthwhile

Our institutions
Are not perfect by virtue
Of humanity,
But they can bring much beauty
To the lives we daily live.

There is peace in our
Belonging to likeminded
Groups that have lasted
Throughout many passing years,
Despite their serious faults.

Our religions are
A comfort to our troubled
Hearts when our brief lives
Seem so far beyond our own
Ability to control.

Some shout tyranny,
But believers surely know
That their sacred paths
Are only gentle guidelines
Leading to eternity.

We thank God freedom
To serve as we deem fitting
Is well established
Within the basic fabric
Of our American lives.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, June 11, 2012









A pin I made from wooden craft supplies…


Another pin I made from wooden craft supplies…

I am grateful:

1.   The commotion that woke me was only a picture frame falling, not Mom falling as I feared.
2.   I was raised to respect the rights of others.
3.   I am open-minded.
4.   My dog teaches me much about being a good human.
5.   I do not have to cook today.

I hope your day was good, despite it being Monday. You are a creative person. Embrace this part of your humanity. Use it to make something to enrich our world. I have faith in your ability create, because I am not exceptional and I do it.

If you were moved by anything here, please leave me a comment with your thoughts. I much appreciate feedback be it positive or negative. I hope to learn from you.

Jo Ann