PAD Challenge, Day 2, My Poem

Today’s prompt for the Poem-A-Day Challenge is to write a “news of the day” poem. I had not caught the news on television, so I went to Google News. I found little I wanted to read, but one article seemed timely…

They Did Not Tell US

Sometimes government
Gives citizens incomplete
Information or
Tells what appear outright lies;
Politician propaganda.

Everyone wanted
Improvement to the system,
But it was working
For many of the people;
Now it’s totally broken.

Some who were happy
With the coverage they had,
Now suddenly find
Their health plans being cancelled;
Replacements cost a fortune.

The outrageous fines,
The unneeded coverage,
Increased premiums,
Bank breaking deductibles;
Were never even mentioned.

Insurance reform
Was the promise as given,
But the cure seems worse
Than the symptoms of disease;
Affordable it is not.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, November 2, 2013

I hope I am overreacting. I hope it is not the disaster it seems, but I am concerned that we may all be in for worse than we have ever dreamed.

I Am Late, But PAD Challenge Poem 1

The prompt for the Poem A Day Challenge Day 1 was to write an appearing poem. I am late as I did not get it done on November 1st, but I hope to stay current from now on… A tip of the hat to someone who made me think with a rather caustic remark…

How Things Appear

I am a writer…
I usually call all words
My beloved friends,
But when my motives become
Objects of question, I doubt.

Are some words really
So bad that using them in
Description causes
Others to feel besmirched when
The intention was no harm?

Maybe I need to
More carefully filter
The words I employ,
For I do not wish to cause
Anyone pain or offend.

People do come in
Varieties, differences
Are quite obvious,
I count it a great blessing
We are not exactly alike.

Red, Yellow, Brown, Black, White,
Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, Agnostic,
Democrat, Republican, Constitutionalist, Independent, Confederate,
Heterosexual, Homosexual, Bisexual, Transsexual,
Male, Female, Young, Old, Overweight, Skinny,
Morning people, Night owls, Mentally ill, Able bodied, Differently enabled,
I could go on forever…

Is using a description evil?
I love people of all types, I write,
I celebrate what makes each of us individual,
We are each one an original,
God loves us all alike…
But maybe I should be more careful with my words,
Keeping up appearances and being politically correct…

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, November 2, 2013

I may never hear the end of this one, but my creativity took the reins and I spoke from the heart.

Some Things I Created Today

A poem in comment on current affairs:

Expression Of Exasperation

They fight endlessly,
They refuse to compromise,
They hold our nation
In a state where progress is
Held in complete abeyance.

Politicians do
No work for electorate,
They simply will not;
Every day the country falls
Further into great distress.

Can we the people
Continue so quietly
While disaster falls
Upon those who sacrifice
Life and limb for our freedom?

Is freedom truly
Manifest in lofty halls
Where reasonable
Voices are not allowed to
Debate or even discuss.

I fear we have let
The very few work toward
Destruction of all
Created by patriots
Who wanted better for us.

When rulers cease to
Serve the interests of those
Who raised them up to
Prominence the time comes to
Cast them out of their places.

Come now citizens,
Rise, throw off the iron shackles
Of a government
Gone willfully against us,
Vote wisdom into power.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Saturday, October 12, 2013

An older photograph and a poem created today:

Called Out Butterfly Dreams

A photograph taken at dusk today and a thought:

Hawthorne At Dusk

I hope you are well. I encourage you to engage your creativity and make something wonderful to share with the world. I am convinced you have greater ability than you may even realize and that you can reach further than you estimate.

As a prompt, take a picture of your own, past or present, add some relevant text. Share it with others, or post it where it will encourage you.

I am grateful:

1)   No matter what happens, God will never desert me.
2)   I am blessed beyond what I deserve.
3)   My son, Alex, is on his way home.
4)   We still have a home, food to eat, and drink to quench our thirst.
5)   I am strong enough to accomplish my dreams with Christ’s help.

Be a blessing wherever you travel. Even if your belief system is different, you can brighten someone’s life with your kindness, compassion and smile.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 141

Journal entry:

Journal 5-29-20130001


My Druthers

I have
Nothing to say
That is not negative
So I really rather not write.
I want to crawl inside some juicy book
And while away the hours reading
About interesting
People who live
With zest.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I did not get rained on today.
2.   There were no thunderstorms here.
3.   The truck did not break down.
4.   Mom did not fall.
5.   No one robbed us.


This Wednesday was a difficult day. I hope your day was much more pleasant. I encourage you to do some creative work if you can manage it. Perhaps it will improve your day. At least I know you have the talent to do it.

As a prompt, write about something you would rather do. Maybe this will be a comparison poem, story, or journal entry, just write whatever comes to mind. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I appreciate your taking the time to read my blog. I do not know how much longer I will be doing this, but I hope you will visit again. If you are interested in future updates you might wish to subscribe to Chronicles. If you have a comment you would like to share, please leave it below.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 125

Journal entry:

Journal 5-13-20130001


Quiet Desperation

I’m treading the edge
Where the urge to die almost
Trumps the will to live.

I want to give up,
All the platitudes are vain,
They give no relief.

Pressure continues
To bear down on me without
Any real surcease.

I have to go on,
But have no heart to sustain
Me throughout the fight.

Tears flow down my face,
I cry out for someone’s help,
But no one aids me.

Must overcome this,
Defeat the desperation,
Somehow, I’ll make it.

I’m treading the edge
Where the urge to die almost
Trumps the will to live.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, May 13, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I had food to eat.
2.   I had clothes to wear.
3.   My dog loves me.
4.   My Mom loves me.
5.   I don’t have to sleep outside with no shelter tonight.


This has been a devastating Monday, please forgive me for being down, perhaps tomorrow will be better… perhaps I will feel like resuming the war. Right now I want to retreat and keep retreating until I cannot be found.

I hope your day was much more successful than my own. I usually encourage you to do something creative at this point, but I can understand if you feel creation would be better deferred. I felt that way tonight, but I laid my heart out anyway. Perhaps you should do the same. Who knows, it might brighten your day.

As a prompt, write about a time you felt defeated by circumstances beyond your control. The examples are above, pour your heart out on the page. If you would like to share your work and you use this prompt, please leave a link to your creation in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you will find your way back here again. You can follow Chronicles by entering your email address in the space provided above so you get regular updates. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share with me, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 57

Journal entry:

Journal 3-6-20130001



I am wondering
Why no one ever mentioned
That there possibly
Could be detrimental side
Effects to my prescriptions.

I thought these drugs were
Kinder, gentler than those of
Past generations,
I was hopeful that they were
Safer for my long term use.

If the disease does
Not get me through suicide,
I guess the meds will
Through their slow destruction of
My body’s physical health.

I am not going
To let it constantly haunt
Me with its looming
Inevitable ending,
I surrender to God’s hands.

I have been letting
Him carry me the longest
Time and now is not
The point to lose faith in God’s
Ability to preserve.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   My appointment was in the afternoon.
2.   Mom went with me.
3.   My Droid was not broken, just turned off and there was operator error.
4.   I liked Debbie, the new nurse practitioner.
5.   I do not have to go back for six months.


I had a pleasant Wednesday. I did not have to wait as long as usual for my appointment. I hope your day went equally well. Turn your mind to doing something creative now. The present moment can be best used instead of procrastinating. Your imagination simply awaits exercise.

As a prompt, take something that happened today and turn it into a lament or a celebration. Even small things can be used to inflame your creative fire. Write a poem, story, or journal entry, then leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you will return often, but you might also wish to subscribe to Chronicles to receive email updates. Just enter your address in the space above. I would appreciate your comments should you have something to share with me.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 36

Journal entry:

Journal 2-13-20130001


Be Aware

Wherever you are,
You are surrounded by love
Given so freely
By many who hold you in
The center of their soft hearts.

You are the apple
Of at least one somebody’s
Eye without question,
You may be unaware of
The person who holds you dear.

Even should you doubt,
Even should you have questions,
Love enfolds you in
Layers of great compassion
That will never desert you.

You may go searching
Fearing you will never find
The love of your life,
But believe he or she is
Near, you will surely find them.

Love is yours to be
Savored throughout existence,
It is always there
Enveloping you within
Its rich sweetness forever.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   Electronic devices allow me to retain connection to friends and family around the world.
2.   Technology has made great advances in my lifetime.
3.   I remember when communication was more difficult.
4.   I still have the old skills although I have adopted newer ones.
5.   Reading and writing are still prominent.


This Wednesday was a bit of a disappointment because my packages did not arrive, but it ended well. I hope your day was rewarding and you accomplished much of what you wished. Now, before you finish the day, exercise your imagination and create something that will benefit you and others in the world. When you express your vision and share it, you enlighten others who may need to see as you do.

As a prompt, write a poem, story, or journal entry using some or all of the words: orders, supposed, packages, effort, linger, encounter, momentary, claimed, resting, commonly, surrounded, compassion. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you will come here often, but you may also want to subscribe to Chronicles for future updates. I am very interested in anything you would like to share with me, so please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project-Day 347

Journal entry:

Journal 12-21-20120001


They want
To track us in
A database, each one
Who is mentally ill, as if
We were criminals who should have no rights.
Is it not enough suffering
Isolation and the
Punishment of

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, December 21, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   Jeremy and Jayden came by for a few minutes this afternoon.
2.   I found my way to town down unfamiliar roads.
3.   The Rolling Stones 50 was still on the table at Sam’s Club, so I was able to get my copy.
4.   Mom’s medicine was available today.
5.   I remembered one of my dreams when I woke up.

I hope you have had a wonderful Friday. I am somewhat disappointed, but there were some very good moments today. Working creatively makes me feel my effort is worthwhile and I believe you will find it so if you engage your imagination. Do something you can share with the world.

As a prompt, write about a type of discrimination you have witnessed or experienced. This should give you plenty of material for a poem, story, or journal entry. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you so much for taking time to read my blog. I am very interested in your thoughts, suggestions, or criticism, so please leave a comment. If you enjoyed your visit here, perhaps you would like to subscribe to Chronicles.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project-Day 330

Journal entry:

Journal 12-4-20120001

This poem comes from several recent experiences, two happening only today…


Tell me why
All the people
I must talk to
On the phone
When doing
Business are
Difficult to
It is like the
Phone support
All came from
Other countries
Where English
Is barely spoken
And completely
I feel as if I am
A stranger in a
Foreign land
When I pick up
The phone to get
Some assistance
And these are
Real American
Companies with
Whom I deal.
Maybe that is
Why the whole
Economy is in
A dreadful mess,
No one with a
Good command
Of language is
Working in the
Support of our

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, December 4, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I got a little sleep between 6:00 and 10:00 this morning.
2.   Alex woke me and I was happy to be up.
3.   I got a wonderful hug from my son.
4.   Alex did yard work and made things look much better.
5.   My mentor, Richard, called and we had a great conversation.

Today was a very good Tuesday for me. It is not often I get to spend time with my son. I hope your day was also pleasant. To make it even better dedicate some time to exercising your creativity. I always find there is more in my mind than I thought when I face the blank page and you may find it so as well. Do not sell yourself short, you can make something wonderful.

As a prompt, write about your experience with the telephone. I could tell horror tales about cell phones, but I will spare you. What is your pet peeve about phones, or can you not live without their presence? Tell us about it. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. If you would like future updates there is a link to subscribe to Chronicles above. I am so anxious to read your thoughts, suggestions, or criticism, so please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project-Day 314

Excuse me while I vent:

Journal 11-18-20120001

The following poem answers the prompt at Poetic Asides. The words in italics were given in the wordle there. You will notice my mood continues. If you need inspiration visit Brenda’s site and perhaps you can make your own masterpiece.

Not Backing Down

I am so sorry
That they think I have done wrong,
I am not a pawn
They can bust because of pride
There is too much fire inside.

I am not afraid
To tell them to their faces,
Not being
They will find unless life knocks
Me out, I will do my best.

The beauty of it
Is I only belong to
Design the pages
To publicize the club, not
To feed enormous egos.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, November 18, 2012



The page I worked so hard to make…



I am grateful:

1.   I am still able to stay up all night when I need to do so.
2.   Mom watched me work and gave valuable input.
3.   Richard and Norma are supportive, even if there is dissent from others.
4.   I had salad as a snack and enjoyed it.
5.   I am able to do as I please here on my blog.
6.   I finished the page and got it sent to the Chapel Hill News & Views, so I will not have to work on it during Thanksgiving.

I accomplished a lot in the last twenty-four hours. I hope you have enjoyed your Sunday. Take time to use your creativity now. There is so much you have to offer the world. Do not let anyone tell you your efforts are lacking. Anything your imagination designs enriches civilization.

As a prompt, vent about something that gets on your last nerve. You can do as I did and write a journal entry and/or poem, or you might write an entrancing story. Just let your words flow unfettered. A link to your work in the comments would be appreciated if you use this prompt.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Please forgive me for letting loose with my venting. Usually my posts are not filled with such vitriolic outbursts. Let me know what you think in the comments. If you are not too disappointed, you might want to follow Chronicles.

Jo Ann