One Step, One Handhold, At A Time


You get your prompt at the beginning today. You were not expecting that, were you? I usually make you wait so you read what else I have written…

Climbing is hard work, but each milestone along your path brings special gifts which encourage you to continue. What have you gained as you work to fulfill your dream? What has inspired you to reach greater heights? Share your accomplishments to motivate yourself and others.

Now create something from this prompt. You are a creative person and have the ability to complete anything you desire. This is a simple exercise.

Get busy!

I stayed up all night. This seems to be becoming a pattern. One crash night and day, then one night and day into night and on to the morning staying up. Might be a little manic going on here. Watching it closely. I also seem to have an overabundance of ideas soaring through my mind.

Going to share a few thoughts I have been entertaining with you all. I have never considered journalism as an outlet for my talents, but since I have been reading The New York Times and Atlanta Journal – Constitution fairly regularly, I have come to think I might have something to contribute in this format. I know many writers got their start in the business through newspapers and periodicals. I am a little afraid my credentials will not stand me in good stead in this market, but all they can tell me is no. I have heard no before, and guess what? It has not killed me. I am tough, well, at least I can dodge with the best of them. I have no college degree, but have done a great deal of self-motivated learning through reading and free courses online. I have no particular publishing credits, but I have edited and published a desktop produced magazine. I have written since I was a very young child. This is my life. Words carry me, nourish me, move me toward achieving my purpose.

I have worked as a volunteer Publicity Chairman for Sweetwater Camera Club doing page layout and design for almost four years with a local ad funded magazine called The Chapel Hill News & Views. I doubt they will pay me, but I think they might be willing to publish some articles. I have not asked yet, but I have some ideas. I am thinking of doing some public interest pieces and some health articles. I have ideas of people to interview.
The question is; do I have the skills necessary? If you have an opinion, please share it with me in the comments below.

I am reading a new motivational book, which I will cover in more detail later, but it reinforces the ideas I have been having about doing something that gets me more into public view. I cannot have significant impact on people’s lives without widespread publication. Blogging, and social media alone are not enough to reach many. I want to encourage, inspire, motivate, and empower others to become creators who influence their destinies through what they create. I think I have ideas worth sharing.

I hope that by helping others I can also help myself and become self-sufficient. I want to share my challenges, but I want to overcome them so they no longer define me. I want to be measured by what I accomplish, not a disease I cannot control. I have struggled, but I want to shine. God willing, I can do things that in my own power are not possible.

I am doing a gratitude list again today. Join me by noting your blessings. It seems to bolster my positive attitude and you may find it helpful to you too.

I Am Grateful:

1) I went to physical therapy, although I really did not want to go.

2) I gave the staff some bookmarks and a box of cookies.

3) I helped a friend today.

4) Even though I have been very negative lately my best friend has not deserted me.

5) I started reading a great motivational book on Kindle.

6) I did not lose my stylus though it dropped out of my phone case several times.

7) Hope talked to me when I came home. She is so adorable.

8) My mentor and I talked a while this evening.

9) Since SunTrust was closed, I came home sooner than I planned.

10) The SYNC system in the Explorer worked better than ever.

This space held a poem yesterday. I am not convinced I can poem today. I shall try:

As I Climb

I am blessed with
A gift the Creator wants
Me to share freely,
Or I do not believe He
Would have given it to me.

I need to pull up
Through my depths of poverty,
Becoming myself
Sufficient to support my
Own needs without assistance.

I am strong enough
To carry my own heaviness
Without you others
Looking after me without
Wanting to do, charity.

I know I have worked
And my benefits are mine,
But some are jealous;
They see me as parasite
Unworthy of such little.

I want more, freedom,
Choice to have the many things
Denied me so long,
I want health, I want wealth, and
I want to hold my head high.

So now undaunted
I will climb much higher up
Reaching lofty prize
Of the life I have long dreamed
I deserved to live and share.

I am blessed with
A gift the Creator wants
Me to share freely,
Or I do not believe He
Would have given it to me.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, January 4, 2016

I finished up just at midnight. Pardon this poem if it is a bit crass. I hope you enjoy most of this bit of thinking in ink. I have done a poor job, I am afraid, but I am a bit tired this late. Sleep, the pillow and sheets call.

May each of you create your dream come true. Please take time to subscribe to this blog if you enjoyed reading it. I would love to hear from you if you would leave a comment.

Jo Ann

4 thoughts on “One Step, One Handhold, At A Time

  1. By all means, go for your new dream! I think it would be awesome to see your work published in various periodicals! 🙂

  2. Great poem, my friend!

    I, too, believe I have written and can contribute, materiela worthy of a wider audience….It’s just a matter of figuring out how to reach it…..Go for it, my friend!

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