Some Textual Photos I Created Today

Mothers Day 2016

Tribute to Penny

Butterfly & Flowers_edited with text

Red Lilies

Writing Inspirations Photo_edited

I hope you enjoyed these creations from my photos. I hope you have an awesome day. I encourage you to create something today. You are capable of making whatever you desire and it will enrich your life. The world needs more of us to share our originality.

I am grateful today:

1.     I was accepted for a Creative Writing Specialization with Wesleyan University on financial aid.
2.     I have the technological devices I need to do creative work.
3.     I have access to multitudes of books through my local library.
4.     I had my eyes examined and have new contacts and glasses that make the world clear for me.
5.     We have plenty of food to sustain us.
6.     I have some beautiful clothing.
7.     Our home is temperate and comfortable.
8.     Some of my creative work was published in the Chapel Hill News & Views.
9.     We have had our Explorer a year, and it is one of the best vehicles I have ever driven.
10.   I have some wonderful, supportive friends around the world.

Now it is your turn. Make a list of at least five things for which you are grateful today. This will have a positive effect on you even, and especially, if you are going through a difficult time. Life looks better when you count your blessings. It makes you appreciate what you have, in spite of what you may lack.

Here is a picture I took a while back that I call, “Meet Me Here.” Your creative challenge is to write a story that might happen here, or one about this photo. Have fun, and do not allow your inner critic to stymie your work. You have the ability to create something wonderful.

Meet Me Here

Finally, if you enjoyed what you have seen here, please subscribe to my blog. I would love for you to share this blog with your friends if you feel it would add quality to their lives.

All the work found here is originally created by Jo Ann J. A. Jordan and is covered by copyright. Should you wish to share please credit the work.

All the best to each of you,
God Bless,
Jo Ann

One Step, One Handhold, At A Time


You get your prompt at the beginning today. You were not expecting that, were you? I usually make you wait so you read what else I have written…

Climbing is hard work, but each milestone along your path brings special gifts which encourage you to continue. What have you gained as you work to fulfill your dream? What has inspired you to reach greater heights? Share your accomplishments to motivate yourself and others.

Now create something from this prompt. You are a creative person and have the ability to complete anything you desire. This is a simple exercise.

Get busy!

I stayed up all night. This seems to be becoming a pattern. One crash night and day, then one night and day into night and on to the morning staying up. Might be a little manic going on here. Watching it closely. I also seem to have an overabundance of ideas soaring through my mind.

Going to share a few thoughts I have been entertaining with you all. I have never considered journalism as an outlet for my talents, but since I have been reading The New York Times and Atlanta Journal – Constitution fairly regularly, I have come to think I might have something to contribute in this format. I know many writers got their start in the business through newspapers and periodicals. I am a little afraid my credentials will not stand me in good stead in this market, but all they can tell me is no. I have heard no before, and guess what? It has not killed me. I am tough, well, at least I can dodge with the best of them. I have no college degree, but have done a great deal of self-motivated learning through reading and free courses online. I have no particular publishing credits, but I have edited and published a desktop produced magazine. I have written since I was a very young child. This is my life. Words carry me, nourish me, move me toward achieving my purpose.

I have worked as a volunteer Publicity Chairman for Sweetwater Camera Club doing page layout and design for almost four years with a local ad funded magazine called The Chapel Hill News & Views. I doubt they will pay me, but I think they might be willing to publish some articles. I have not asked yet, but I have some ideas. I am thinking of doing some public interest pieces and some health articles. I have ideas of people to interview.
The question is; do I have the skills necessary? If you have an opinion, please share it with me in the comments below.

I am reading a new motivational book, which I will cover in more detail later, but it reinforces the ideas I have been having about doing something that gets me more into public view. I cannot have significant impact on people’s lives without widespread publication. Blogging, and social media alone are not enough to reach many. I want to encourage, inspire, motivate, and empower others to become creators who influence their destinies through what they create. I think I have ideas worth sharing.

I hope that by helping others I can also help myself and become self-sufficient. I want to share my challenges, but I want to overcome them so they no longer define me. I want to be measured by what I accomplish, not a disease I cannot control. I have struggled, but I want to shine. God willing, I can do things that in my own power are not possible.

I am doing a gratitude list again today. Join me by noting your blessings. It seems to bolster my positive attitude and you may find it helpful to you too.

I Am Grateful:

1) I went to physical therapy, although I really did not want to go.

2) I gave the staff some bookmarks and a box of cookies.

3) I helped a friend today.

4) Even though I have been very negative lately my best friend has not deserted me.

5) I started reading a great motivational book on Kindle.

6) I did not lose my stylus though it dropped out of my phone case several times.

7) Hope talked to me when I came home. She is so adorable.

8) My mentor and I talked a while this evening.

9) Since SunTrust was closed, I came home sooner than I planned.

10) The SYNC system in the Explorer worked better than ever.

This space held a poem yesterday. I am not convinced I can poem today. I shall try:

As I Climb

I am blessed with
A gift the Creator wants
Me to share freely,
Or I do not believe He
Would have given it to me.

I need to pull up
Through my depths of poverty,
Becoming myself
Sufficient to support my
Own needs without assistance.

I am strong enough
To carry my own heaviness
Without you others
Looking after me without
Wanting to do, charity.

I know I have worked
And my benefits are mine,
But some are jealous;
They see me as parasite
Unworthy of such little.

I want more, freedom,
Choice to have the many things
Denied me so long,
I want health, I want wealth, and
I want to hold my head high.

So now undaunted
I will climb much higher up
Reaching lofty prize
Of the life I have long dreamed
I deserved to live and share.

I am blessed with
A gift the Creator wants
Me to share freely,
Or I do not believe He
Would have given it to me.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, January 4, 2016

I finished up just at midnight. Pardon this poem if it is a bit crass. I hope you enjoy most of this bit of thinking in ink. I have done a poor job, I am afraid, but I am a bit tired this late. Sleep, the pillow and sheets call.

May each of you create your dream come true. Please take time to subscribe to this blog if you enjoyed reading it. I would love to hear from you if you would leave a comment.

Jo Ann

Progress Report and New Beginning

I have made a great deal of progress since December 6, 2013, just walking and watching calories. I am down from 200 pounds to 179.6 pounds as of this morning.

Today, I am starting 10 Week Body Change. I had to take measurements and a photo to begin.

Weight: 179.6 pounds
Hips: 43 inches
Waist: 38 inches
Left thigh: 25 inches
Right thigh: 25 inches

I know that is pretty awful, and maybe too much information, but I want to come back with progress…

It is a good thing I already made some significant changes, because sodas are taboo, as are artificial water sweeteners… Gonna be some difficulty with that, but at least I have somewhat weaned myself.

The food choices look pretty good, but some things are gonna be challenging.

My new goal is 120 pounds… That should be quite a change.

We shall see…

Here is what I look like today:

Start of BodyChange 2014-01-20

I am so grateful to have come this far… Now I have more to look forward to accomplishing.

Jo Ann

Creativity Continues To Visit

Today seems to be one of those days I am given a multitude of words. I hope you will read this blog entry and the one before it. They might have a positive effect on you and that would be exactly what I wanted…

First, I want to ask you to do me a huge favor, click on the following link and like Hope’s picture on Facebook: Douglas Oaks Animal Hospital  Costume Contest Hope. We are trying to win an annual exam worth $115 from Hope’s vet. This would help me a great deal because it is always a struggle to afford this expense. You do not have to be my friend on Facebook to help, just like Hope’s photo by following the link. I would be so grateful for your help.


This is a copy of the picture you should like on Facebook. Hope really wants to win…

Live Life Fully Alive

Things come at you
So very fast,
Do not overlook
The ones meaning
The most to you.

Discard the weeds
Which would tangle up
Your purposes and
Weigh you heavy down,
You have no need of them.

Devote your moments
To those things you love,
The ones that feed
The creativity of your mind
Giving you sustaining strength.

Make plenty of time
For the people who
Support your dreams
And encourage your heart,
They are precious treasure.

There is no time to waste
On meaningless negativity
Or most hurtful hate,
Make yourself positive,
Live life fully alive.

Forgive others, for peace
Within your heart will
Only then reside,
Be kind, helpful, generous
And reap bountiful returns.

Things come at you
So very fast,
Do not overlook
The ones meaning
The most to you.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The littlest things can make a big difference. You never know when the smile you share will lighten someone’s heavy heart. The kind word you say could heal a wound. Everything you do matters, so make sure you spread love abroad in this world. The soul you touch could later touch your own.

Let all you do be done prayerfully, ever mindful of God’s presence with you and in the world. You are never forgotten by the Creator of the Universe. He has His eyes upon you continually and He lavishes you in His unconditional love. Not a moment passes without His notice of you needs, your desires, your dreams. Christ holds you in His hands always. Let His great peace surround you and be kind wherever you may travel.

Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes and you are apt to get blisters… Walk a mile beside someone and you are apt to understand what troubles them and how to help them… Be a friend, not just a spectator to another’s life… God will amply bless you for your generosity… No good deed goes without reward!


Embrace Your Gifts

You may not think so,
But you are a being
Blessed with creativity.
You were meant to
Live fully well and
Achieve your fondest dreams.
You are gifted with
So much talent,
You must firmly believe.
No one can make you
Do what you need to
Accomplish besides yourself.
You are a wonder
Filled with great passion
Able to do creative magic.
Just apply yourself,
Make a conscious effort,
You bring beauty to life.
Do not hide the fire
Burning within your soul,
Set it free, it will make you whole.
Give your heart a chance
To reach out to the world
Creating things of lasting value.
You may not think so,
But you are a being
Blessed with creativity.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I hope you will create something to share with the world today. You have unique gifts to contribute to other people’s lives. Anyone can engage their creativity if they only make an effort. You have the talent and ability.

This post is a little different than some, because I have already blogged today. Please visit the previous post.

Jo Ann

Some Things I Created Today

A poem in comment on current affairs:

Expression Of Exasperation

They fight endlessly,
They refuse to compromise,
They hold our nation
In a state where progress is
Held in complete abeyance.

Politicians do
No work for electorate,
They simply will not;
Every day the country falls
Further into great distress.

Can we the people
Continue so quietly
While disaster falls
Upon those who sacrifice
Life and limb for our freedom?

Is freedom truly
Manifest in lofty halls
Where reasonable
Voices are not allowed to
Debate or even discuss.

I fear we have let
The very few work toward
Destruction of all
Created by patriots
Who wanted better for us.

When rulers cease to
Serve the interests of those
Who raised them up to
Prominence the time comes to
Cast them out of their places.

Come now citizens,
Rise, throw off the iron shackles
Of a government
Gone willfully against us,
Vote wisdom into power.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Saturday, October 12, 2013

An older photograph and a poem created today:

Called Out Butterfly Dreams

A photograph taken at dusk today and a thought:

Hawthorne At Dusk

I hope you are well. I encourage you to engage your creativity and make something wonderful to share with the world. I am convinced you have greater ability than you may even realize and that you can reach further than you estimate.

As a prompt, take a picture of your own, past or present, add some relevant text. Share it with others, or post it where it will encourage you.

I am grateful:

1)   No matter what happens, God will never desert me.
2)   I am blessed beyond what I deserve.
3)   My son, Alex, is on his way home.
4)   We still have a home, food to eat, and drink to quench our thirst.
5)   I am strong enough to accomplish my dreams with Christ’s help.

Be a blessing wherever you travel. Even if your belief system is different, you can brighten someone’s life with your kindness, compassion and smile.

Jo Ann

I’ve Had A Few Thoughts, I’ll Share Them With You…

July has not been the best month for me, but it has given me a few poems which I thought you might enjoy reading. As an update about the Creativity Project, I think that chapter is over for now. I am not certain what will replace it, but for the present I am just trying to recharge my creative batteries. That involves a lot of reading. I am hopeful that I will return to more regular blogging in the not too distant future, so please stay tuned…


Moon Arising

The sun sets,
The moon rises,
My thoughts turn
Once more toward
The past and you!

We had the best
Of all the things
Given under the
Sun and risen
Beneath the moon.

We had love,
Life, happiness,
And the gifts
Of one another…
We were blessed.

Now those days
And nights have long
Passed us by…
But memories remain
To sustain my life.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Monday, July 1, 2013



Don’t Go!
Those were words enough
To say, but they could
Not halt time’s passage.
Don’t go!
A heart cry all well
Meant, but God Himself
Had made other plans.
Don’t go!
Accompanied by
Many falling tears,
But unstoppable.
Don’t go!
Impossible trial,
But somehow all will
Go on, left behind.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


My Heart Remembers

When I said I love you
I meant forever,
And though we are apart
My heart will always
And forever remember.

That does not mean
There cannot be someone
New who I love too,
Just I will always love you
No matter what life brings.

I know others say
I should move on
Let you go, and it is true
I have, as have you,
But you are still a part of me.

My heart is not a fickle thing,
My love is deep and true,
And though there will be
Others who I love,
I will always love you.

So if you are reading this
And you think it might
Apply to you, it is most
Probably true, because
If I once did, I still love you.

If you chance to want
To be involved with me
Do not be afraid,
For though my love was given
There is still enough for you.

I promise you as I have
Promised in the past,
That I will truly love you
And that honestly means
You will be in my heart forever.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Friday, July 12, 2013


There were more poems this month, but I do not want to overtax you with my verbosity. I thank you for reading and hope you will find your way here again.

I will leave you with a list of things for which I am grateful:

1.   The tablet my Mom gave me for my birthday.
2.   Books, which I have been reading to help replenish my imagination.
3.   My dog, Hope, who comforts and delights me with her unconditional love.
4.   My Mom did not have to go to the hospital last evening, though she gave me an awful scare.
5.   The pain in my neck, shoulder, and back was not so bad that I could not make this post.

I hope you will take time to consider some of the things in your life for which you are grateful. Also, make an effort to do something creative and share it with the world. Your precious creations could change a life or brighten someone’s day.

Jo Ann

A Thought, A Poem, Something To Share…

I wrote this directly on my Facebook timeline. It was not edited or overwrought, just pure emotion and longing expressed. I thought perhaps it would be well to share it here…

Thoughts, Running Behind

He is not mine,
But my mind does stray
To him who at my side
Did once chance to stay.

If I could but change
Those things that drove
Us far asunder and apart,
I gladly would yet do it.

However, time has passed
Me by and taken him
Away from my side,
So now I only miss him.

I urge you each
To love while you can
And be careful of your words
That you not lose your beloved.

If I had it all to do again,
I would make sure
I kept him close
And never lost him.

My heart, it beats,
My life shudders…
Perhaps one day
Love will find me once more.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, June 30, 2013

It is not much compared to the Creativity Project, but perhaps the offering of the heart is worth at least something.


I hope all is well with you my friends. I have not in the least forgotten you. I am just taking some time.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 133

Journal entry:

Journal 5-21-20130001


Living In Color

Life drenches me in
Color every moment of
Every single day.

There is the green of
All living things surrounding
Me with abundance.

There is the blue of
Water, sky, and loneliness
Arching over me.

There is the red of
Love, passion, anger, and clothes
Enveloping me.

There is the yellow
Of sunshine lighting my world
Revealing color.

There is the purple
Of friendship and loyalty
Adding happiness.

There is the orange of
Sunrise and sunset glowing
With such sweet romance.

There is the white of
Pages accepting my words
Or bringing others.

There is the black of
Pain that I cannot combat
And nighttime I love.

Life drenches me in
Rainbows of color, which bring
Much richness to life.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I slept well and awoke energized.
2.   I found great new books at the library.
3.   I am rich despite not being financially wealthy.
4.   Mom liked the tee-shirts I picked up for her.
5.   Life is rewarding, despite my limitations.


I enjoyed my Tuesday and accomplished more than I expected. I hope your day was good. Now, while you have a few moments, I encourage you to put your imagination to work and do something creative. There is no time like the present to engage in activity. In fact, this is the only time you can achieve your potential. The past is gone and unchangeable, and the future is always ahead of you. Use this moment to your advantage.

As a prompt, write about color. You could pick one color for your poem, story, or journal entry, or you could use a variety as I did. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I hope you have enjoyed your visit to my blog. I appreciate the time you spent here so much. I hope you will return often, but you might also want to subscribe to Chronicles by email. Any comments you have are welcome.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 131

Journal entry:

Journal 5-19-20130001


My Treasure

You shine
Like the lightning
Streaking through clouds on high,
You dance across earth with the grace
Of a professional ballerina,
You touch hearts with outstanding charm,
No one can resist you,
Yet you are mine

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, May 19, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   We did not have thunderstorms.
2.   Our home is on high ground.
3.   My shower helped my sore muscles.
4.   I did not have to cook.
5.   I decided to wait and crush cans another day.


My Sunday was wonderful. I hope you also had a pleasant day. I encourage you to engage your creativity and produce something unique to share with the world. Your gift could mean so much to someone who needs uplifting. I know you can make a positive contribution if you only put forth an effort.

As a prompt, write a poem, story, or journal entry using the words: shine, lightning, streaking, high, dance, clouds, grace, touch, professional, outstanding, resist, alone, charm. These words were taken from my poem above, see what you can make of them.

I am grateful you took a few precious moments to read my blog. I hope you will visit often, but you might also wish to subscribe to Chronicles by email. Any comments you would like to share are welcome.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 128

Journal entry:

Journal 5-16-20130001



I tried to collect
My thoughts, making sense of all
The clamor within
My restless soul, but my mind’s
Attention moved endlessly.

No respite found I
From the jostling images
Invading my brain,
No idea brought me relief
From such an intense struggle.

My wayward thoughts kept
Me in an incessant state
Of indecision
With no refuge from the storm
Raging wild within myself.

Even prayer did not
Bring me any lasting peace,
I was awash in
Feeling inadequacy
Of all my tireless effort.

I tried to collect
My thoughts, preparing to
Do something worthwhile,
But no successful pathway
Presented itself to me.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, May 16, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   Mom had a little while today that she was in less pain.
2.   We did not have to go to any doctors.
3.   My son, Alex, is a successful adult.
4.   I finished reading The Sanctuary by Ted Dekker last night.
5.   I was able to write a poem this evening.


This Thursday was not a demanding day and I got to relax some, which was nice. I hope your day was good. Take some time now and dedicate yourself to doing something creative. You can do great things if you set your mind to it. I am convinced each of us has much to contribute to the world through our creativity, and you are no exception.

As a prompt, write about a time you attempted to collect your thoughts. You may have been successful, or you may have failed. Share the details with us by leaving a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you will visit often, but also encourage you to subscribe to Chronicles by email if you would like to receive future updates. Any thoughts, suggestions, or criticism you care to share is welcome, so please leave a comment.

Jo Ann