Progress Report and New Beginning

I have made a great deal of progress since December 6, 2013, just walking and watching calories. I am down from 200 pounds to 179.6 pounds as of this morning.

Today, I am starting 10 Week Body Change. I had to take measurements and a photo to begin.

Weight: 179.6 pounds
Hips: 43 inches
Waist: 38 inches
Left thigh: 25 inches
Right thigh: 25 inches

I know that is pretty awful, and maybe too much information, but I want to come back with progress…

It is a good thing I already made some significant changes, because sodas are taboo, as are artificial water sweeteners… Gonna be some difficulty with that, but at least I have somewhat weaned myself.

The food choices look pretty good, but some things are gonna be challenging.

My new goal is 120 pounds… That should be quite a change.

We shall see…

Here is what I look like today:

Start of BodyChange 2014-01-20

I am so grateful to have come this far… Now I have more to look forward to accomplishing.

Jo Ann

Otherwise Entertained (8)

Many evenings the group spent at Ramsey’s house, but other times they would meet at Morgan and Tony’s apartment. The space there was very crowded, but no one seemed to mind.

One evening, around 7:00, Kelvin, Ramsey, Wagner, Jason, and Cade came to visit. Morgan and Tony offered Olde English 800 Malt Liquor to the guys along with various other beverages. Kelvin and Wagner decided to have a sword fight out in the yard with their machetes, just to set the mood. Tony, Ramsey, Jason, and Cade chose to take their turns with the blades as well. Morgan watched their antics with a mixture of amusement and fear. She knew one wrong move and someone could be seriously injured. The athletic males finally decided to go inside.

Everyone was hungry after the exertions, so Morgan decided to fry some chicken. It was something she had never done before, but she guessed it could not be too difficult. Her mother had prepared it at least once a week for years. She did wish she had paid a bit more attention to how it was done.

The guys sat around drinking and talking on the bunk beds, turned couches, in the tiny front room. When the perfectly browned chicken was finished, she served it up with corn on the cob and green beans.

When Kelvin took a bite, he sputtered and cursed, “Damn Morgan, this chicken is raw! What the hell do you think you are doing to us? Are you trying to kill us, as you do in your world? I thought we were safe outside of EverMost! Damn!”

The others returned their plates to the counter. Morgan began to tear up, but she refused to let them see her cry. Although she was mortified by the horrible mistake she made, she did not want to have anyone go hungry.

She turned to Tony and whispered, “Pizza?”

He nodded and answered, “Sure, I’ll order.”

Morgan dumped everything in the trashcan without another word. She was grateful Tony was willing to make the call for pizza and pay the bill. Another disaster averted by his kindness. Everyone except Kelvin seemed willing to let the situation go. He kept glancing at her and shaking his head.

He finally commented, “If you can cook no better than that, you should stay out of the kitchen.”

She sighed and said, “That was the first time I tried frying chicken, but I will take your advice into consideration.”

The pizza arrived and everyone ate happily, seemingly willing to forgive the mess Morgan had made. When the boxes were empty, the group appeared satisfied.

Ramsey asked, “Ambazzar or EverMost, Morgan?”

Tony answered, “She has been working on an adventure for days, staying up late, doing drawings, and studying the books. I think we should try her world tonight.”

Kelvin said, “I hope it works out better than the chicken!”

Everyone, except Morgan, laughed and began arranging their gear for play. She smiled, thinking perhaps a little payback was in order. The dice rolled in the adventurer’s favor and they had a very fortuitous foray into the dungeon. Only Ramsey’s character, Garrison, was injured in the melee with kobolds. The group traveled back to the Sleepy Eyes Inn and retired for the night.

Ramsey had introduced Tony and Morgan to the music of Neil Young and she put the album, Live Rust, on the stereo. Everyone was in a party mood, choosing to stay late since it was a Friday night. Tony was off for the weekend, as were the students, and Wagner was not likely to apply for work until Monday. After another hour or more, Ramsey, Cade, and Jason told them good night and went home.

Sometime later, Tony suggested they go for a ride. Kelvin and Wagner agreed and loaded into Katie. Morgan drove to a stretch of highway where she could let the 472 engine run wide open. She managed to hit 100 before she got to the end of the road. As she slowed, blue lights popped up behind the car. She heard metal clanging together as the machetes were pushed under the seat. At that moment, she wondered why they brought those in the first place.

The police officer came to the window and she rolled it down, “Good evening officer,” she said as politely as possible.

“Good morning ma’am. Can I see your license and insurance please?” He asked.

She took the cards out of her purse and handed them to him. He walked back to his vehicle.

After several minutes, in which the atmosphere in the Cadillac became increasingly tense, he returned to the window.

He asked, “What are you all doing out here at this time of morning?”

“We were just out enjoying a drive, listening to music, and taking in some fresh air,” Morgan answered.

He said, “Well, this is a dangerous neighborhood to travel in. You all be careful and stay out of trouble.”

Everyone in the car answered, “Yes sir!”

They drove back to the apartment at much reduced speed. Morgan was thankful he had not searched the car because of the weapons and the open beer all the guys had been drinking.

When they got back, Kelvin and Wagner gathered their gaming things and drove away.

Tony went to bed and Morgan stayed up to clean up the remaining mess. The night had not been a total loss, but it was bad enough she was sure she would never forget it. She had learned a valuable lesson about cooking. Never try something for the first time when the results were important and open to criticism. She considered that several moments and decided the wisdom could also be applied to other aspects of life. She thought of how close they had come to getting in serious trouble on their drive. She was grateful things had gone no worse.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Ramblings Of A Sleepless Mind

You are not required to stay up all night to reap the benefits of my activity. Please just follow along…

Journal 10-22-20130001

I want to start up my business again, but I don’t have any capital to begin… I guess dreaming is the best I can do. I wish I could win the lottery, but somehow I think that is unlikely since I do not buy tickets… If wishes were horses, beggars would ride…

My dog, Hope, has expensive tastes, she likes pistachios. I can hardly afford them for myself, what am I supposed to do now that the dog begs for them whenever I get the bag out?

What’s on your mind? Funny you should ask, because I have been thinking about trying to start my magazine up online. It would be a literary and art magazine showcasing a wide variety of talent as it was when I published it in print form. I do not know if I have a wide enough network to gather submissions, and I am not sure I have the discretionary time to afford all the effort required, but I am considering it. I have the prerequisite software for it and I think I might be able to secure web hosting… Am I ready to take the reins as editor and publisher again? It is not an easy job, for writers are sometimes troublesome, but I like a challenge… I wonder if I am too old to begin doing it again. It is a huge task and requires diligence… So that is what is on my mind…

Have you ever noticed that as a usual thing every other version Microsoft releases is great? Take Windows 98, great; Windows Millennium, not so good; Windows XP, great; Windows Vista, not so good; Windows 7, great; Windows 8, not so good; Windows 8.1, decent… Why do we beta test for them on every other release? Seems like their software engineers would get it together every time. Maybe they need to quit rushing out versions and wait until they have a solid release…

I just realized it was after 2:00AM… I am wide awake and feeling creative. Why is it that nighttime seems to be the time of ideas for me? I want to be a morning person, but it just does not work for me. I am a hopeless night owl. The daytime world just does not have the appeal of after dark… Is something wrong with me? I wake up when the sun goes down… not the greatest attribute.

I should have known coffee in the afternoon was a mistake, but did that stop me? Not in the least did it dissuade me… Sometimes I disregard the better part of my judgment. So I am up and feeling full of energy halfway through the night…

Why am I still in this place when I really want to move forward? Maybe fear is stopping me, but what is that about? I fear failure, because it is very hard for creatives to succeed. I fear success, because it would overturn all sorts of things in my life. I want to perfect things before I bring them out before others, and that keeps me in a stalled state, because really I can do nothing perfectly.
I am determined to get past these barriers to achieving the life I want, but it is hard… One step I can take is being positive, another step is to gather the material for what I want to accomplish. These are easy things and I should be able to do them, one small step at a time.
I am capable and I believe that my dreams can become a reality, so as I advise others, I must make the effort and continue going forward…

Going With The Flow

Rolling, that is what happens
When you allow time to wash
Over you without resistance,
You roll forward creeping into
Places you never realized you
Were really meant to go.
Time overtakes you and takes
You over the rough spaces
Where intention would not
Allow you to succeed without
A great deal of extra effort
You might unwillingly expend.
Your perfectionism cannot
Hinder you because the momentum
Comes from beyond yourself,
You drift on currents that lift
Your fragile spirits up higher
Than you ever imagined going.
You roll, a creative force,
Unstoppable, moving through
Both time and space with only
One idea to carry you onward,
A positive declaration that you
Will finally accomplish your dreams.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Adjusted the settings on my mouse… Now this clunky mouse works like the best I have ever had. Who knew tweaking the software could make such improvements? Now I think I love the Logitech M705. It is like having a whole new mouse.

Just fixed a cup of coffee because I have decided I want to stay up all day… Should be no problem, the night is nearly over and daylight will soon arrive. Now if only the coffee cup cools down enough that I can drink from it…

Mom gave me some pens she has not used. Ink pens! Gel pens! I love free pens… My Mom is the greatest! Happy, happy, happy!

If you wish to achieve, you must first believe! You can exceed any goal you have decreed! Just continue forward and your effort will manifest what you are working toward!

Coffee! In a seasonal cup, coffee, what more can you ask for?


Fulfilling A Need

What do we want?
Where do we get them?
We make them!
How do we do that?
We engage our creativity!
Who benefits?
The people of the world!
Why does it matter?
It wakes people to happiness!
When can we do it?
Now, because time is slipping by!
What do we want?

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Invitation Only

Come! Whispered on the air,
Inviting you to join
Others already there…
Come! Such gentle care
Exhibited for all,
Do you want to share?
Come! Do you dare
Accept the invitation,
So very fair?
Come! Do not delay
Make your choice right away
While you have the chance today!
Come! Christ beckons,
The Spirit encourages,
Come as your heart reckons!
Come! While time makes way
Because the moments flee quickly
Hearken now for seconds slip away.
Come! Your choice cannot wait,
Be fast to answer the quiet call
For it urgently decides your fate.
Come! Whispered on the air,
Inviting you to join
Others already there…

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

These are the nighttime, early morning, ramblings of a restless mind. You should join me at Jo Ann J. A. Jordan on Facebook if you would like to follow my adventures there… Lots of things make it there that never see the blog. I only put it all here today because I thought you might like to experience the process.


I am grateful:

1)   I have equipment that helps me reach my creative potential.
2)   I am old enough to choose my bedtime, most of the time anyway.
3)   People still visit my blog, even though I am no longer doing the Creativity Project.
4)   Life is a gift we can enjoy in the moment.
5)   People are a precious blessing when they touch my life.

As a prompt, write a how, what, when, where, who, why poem. If you need an example, reread the one I did above. If you are a visual artist, instead of poet, picture something that explore at least one of the aspects. I know you can do this, and I bet you will enjoy it. Your creativity is at least as bountiful as mine.

Thank you so much for visiting Chronicles and reading this post. You might find it enjoyable to browse the archives. There is much material contained there. If you like what you found here you can subscribe for email updates by entering your address in the space provided.

I hope your day meets your expectations. Generally you get out of the hours in direct proportion to what you invest, so make each moment special.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 27

Journal entry:

Journal 2-4-20130001



It is
A bit late to
Be learning the secrets
Of my Mom’s country cooking, but
I am beginning to appreciate
The fact there may be little more
Time to acquire the skills
With her help so
I cook

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Monday, February 4, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   No phone calls woke me this morning.
2.   I found an appropriate photographer’s vest on Amazon.
3.   Mom offered to get the vest and battery for my Valentine’s Day gift.
4.   I was able to reschedule my appointment.
5.   Mom and I worked together to prepare supper.


I enjoyed my Monday. I hope your day was also pleasant. Now I encourage you to employ your imagination and create something wonderful. Maybe you can inspire someone else with your work.

As a prompt, write about an apprenticeship you have participated in. Maybe you acquired your knowledge years ago, but you remember your teacher well. Maybe you are the teacher. Write about your experiences. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoyed the time you have spent here. Should you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share with me, please leave a comment. If you would like to receive updates from Chronicles, enter your email address above.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 11

Journal entry:

Journal 1-19-20130001


Incredible Responsibility

I never needed
To ask anyone for help
Because she always
Took care of all my problems
With complete dedication.

Now the tables have
Turned and I am left in charge
Of her total care,
I feel quite inadequate
To take care of everything.

I promised brother
I would do my very best
And fully intend
To do so, but I am quite
Overwhelmed by her great need.

I pray God be with
Me every step of the way,
Guiding my hands, heart,
Mind, and soul, directing me
In all the things I should do.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, January 19, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I do not have to live alone.
2.   My Mom and the dogs share my life.
3.   I remembered to mail the power bill.
4.   I was able to get gas for the truck today.
5.   Leigh came to get the garbage and visited a while.


My day was quite busy and a bit nerve wracking. I hope yours was less problematic. Before you complete this day I urge you to spend time creating. It is a splendid way to finish off your day. You will enjoy it and might encourage or inspire someone else.

As a prompt, write about a responsibility that sometimes seems a bit overwhelming. Maybe it is your job, caring for your children, caring for a parent, or keeping your household in order… Write a poem, story, journal entry, or note about the struggle and the triumph. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoyed your time here. If you like, you can subscribe to Chronicles to receive updates when I post. I appreciate your comments, so please leave one if you feel inclined.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project-Day 312

Journal entry:

Journal 11-16-20120001

The following poem answers the prompt at Poetic Asides. I recommend you visit that site should you need inspiration.

Unmerited Kindness

Overwhelmed by His mercy,
I stand strong against the winds
Of change trying to
Take me down with cruelty,
God’s grace uplifts me.

I am cherished, beloved,
Understanding is lavished
On me every day,
Jesus manifests blessing
And benevolence.

Overwhelmed by His mercy,
I raise my heart to praise Him,
I am fortunate,
I am loved unstintingly
By the Creator.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, November 16, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   Mom was well enough to stay home alone.
2.   I remembered the check before I got all the way to town.
3.   My milkshake was delicious.
4.   I had the charger for my BlackBerry.
5.   I got the truck unloaded without any assistance.

I hope you had a wonderful Friday, mine was a bit mixed up, but I got through it. I am so glad I am able to spend some time exercising my creativity. Will you do the same? I am sure it will enrich your day.

My prompt for you is to write about a challenge you faced during your day and how you overcame it. You might want to write a poem, story, or journal entry. Whatever you write, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you found your time here enjoyable. Perhaps you would like to follow Chronicles and/or leave me a comment. I really appreciate your input.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project-Day 187

Journal entry:

Journal 7-14-20120001

My Praise

Praise God in Heaven
For His benevolent grace
Shown to me always;
He holds me in His hands and
Sets happiness in my heart.

Each day accounted
To me is blessed by His love;
He makes glorious
Every fast passing moment
With all His sweet compassion.

Praise God in Heaven
For He is magnificent;
The great Creator
Endows me with much talent
And full creativity.

Jesus gives me hope
That the ending of my days
Will be beautiful;
All struggle will cease for me,
I will know Him as myself.

Praise God in Heaven
For His benevolent grace
Shown to me always;
He holds me in His hands and
Sets happiness in my heart.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, July 14, 2012



My birthday cake…


The roses Laura brought me…


Close up of rose…

I am thankful:

1.   Alex called me.
2.   Linda came to share my birthday cake.
3.   Laura took me out for supper and we had some wonderful conversation.
4.   Many of my friends wished me Happy Birthday.
5.   Mom shared the day with me.

I hope your Saturday was refreshing and relaxing. I am getting this posted very late because my day was full. I hope you will take some time to do something creative now.

For your prompt, write about a gift you have received that you treasure. Describe the details about it. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your creation in the comments.

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you wish please leave me a comment. I value your feedback.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project-Day 72

Journal entry and poem:

Journal 3-21-20120001

Journal 3-21-20120002



Decorative sign at Zaxby’s…


Another sign…


Malibu in parking lot…




Close up of pansies…


Another close up of pansies…

I am grateful:

1.   Mom’s bone density test went well.
2.   Lunch at Zaxby’s was delicious.
3.   Mom liked the cup I bought her and it was a surprise even though she was with me.
4.   The cleaning did not hurt much.
5.   I only had two cavities.

I hope your Wednesday went well. Take a few moments to do something creative.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project-Day 52

Journal entry:

Journal 3-1-20120001

Some photographs:











I am grateful:

1.   My best friend, Reba, called me this morning and we talked a while.
2.   Reba bought a camper and will be able to enjoy it with her husband, Rob.
3.   The storms last night did not cause any damage.
4.   Hope and I walked a mile.
5.   Mom enjoyed the supper I cooked.

I hope each of you had a fine Thursday and accomplished something creative during your day.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project–Day 25

My journal entry:

Journal 2-3-20120001

Some pictures:


The National Historic Site near my psychiatrist’s office.


Fig trees at dusk.




Camellia and bud.

I am so glad this day went well. There were a few idiots out driving, but I am always prepared for their exploits. We had an awesome lunch at Hudson’s Hickory House. I woke up craving barbecue, so we went there. Mom recommended that I get a coleslaw to go with my pork plate, and it made the meal even better.

I hope your Friday was pleasant, and wish you a peaceful weekend full of creative energy.

Jo Ann