
Welcome to my workout…

Rebel Yell by Billy Idol
It’s Only Rock and Roll by The Rolling Stones
I Write the Songs by Barry Manilow
The Grand Illusion by Styx
Get Down, Make Love by Queen
Some Like It Hot by Power Station
Closer by The Firm

I have moved to this list of songs in the last little while after doing an hour and a half working on some grooming for the Tribble.

Earlier today, I finally made it to town for medication, groceries, and sodas. I was dying without soda.

Before all of this transpired, I wrote in my journal, but the music and my movement had my heart rate up to 139, and I think I will do this tonight.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Just A Few Musings

This is a picture of me taken yesterday after physical therapy. After surgery on my right knee I need a little help getting back up to speed.


I have a few musings to share that have been written recently.

Own This
Dreams come true,
Yes they do, believe,
Say fervent prayers,
Follow your heart,
Invest your life,
Create the reality
That fits your desire.
Claim the miracle,
Make good on your promise,
Carry out your purpose,
Then watch your wishes
Become manifest in the now,
It happens, you can fulfill
All your fondest hopes.
Know it can transpire,
You have what it takes,
You deserve the gift,
Dreams come true!
© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, October 28, 2016

Love is the answer to the questions of the soul. It has the power to relax the weary mind and supply comfort to the body. Love holds the world in place in space and time. Love is the miracle giving life in the present, and eternal existence. Be at peace for Love is, and knows your name. You are never forsaken, forgotten because Love always surrounds you. There is one Truth, and He is Love.

I equate Love with my Lord, Jesus, but see Love as you will, Love is here for you.

No Wasted Words

Writing can do magic,
Of this I am convinced,
Because it has supplied
Me with things, once,
I thought impossible.

This life improves,
Becomes more blest,
By words written
Courageously, despite
Overwhelming fear.

To live this moment
More richly alive
Is fulfillment of
Long held dreams
Unbelievably realized.

Lessons learned
Through pages turned;
Questions asked,
Answers given,
Unconditional deliverance.

An article made request,
An inadequate email in reply,
A prayer answered;
The story continues
Much better than before.

Writing, editing, publishing,
Art, photography, design,
These things I love,
Finally, pay dividends,
Life becomes sublime.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Friday, October 28, 2016

You must define yourself; no one else knows who you are. You develop your abilities, your specializations. Let no one impose limitations on you; you are capable of changing the world.

I know I don’t understand, I don’t have the experience, I cannot live your life with your challenges, but please know I am here. I want to hear your story; I want to listen carefully and learn what I can. I want to understand. I want to wrap you in love and show I care about all you are going through.

I tell you all that miracles happen all the time.

This evening I gave Mom a bath in the little bitty shower that is too small for a human being. She was standing up after I rinsed her and went to sit down. Somehow she had turned so that her bottom came outside the shower stall and she headed for the floor. I caught her mostly on the leg that hurts so much because I am still recovering from surgery and with my arms. I pushed and pulled her upward and pushed her back into the stall and onto her shower stool.

We managed to get her settled without a fall, but in reality, I should not have been able to do it. Both of us should have wound up with broken bones.

God was with us, and it was a miracle.

I hope November brings you many blessings. May you find many opportunities, much prosperity, and lots of love.

As a prompt today, write about something unexpected that happened over the last week and how it made you feel.

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you enjoyed your time here please subscribe and be sure to come back soon.

Jo Ann


So Are You With Me?


We are together for day two of this adventure if you are reading this right now. That is exciting because I want you to follow along. More than that I hope you will also take action on your own. I would like you to take a few minutes each day to write. Maybe it would just be a simple recounting of your day, or you could write a poem, story, memory, anything you want really. Just be creative. You have so much to share with the world, which only you can communicate. You are so unique and we need your voice. It adds so much to our communities, please get busy.

Once upon a time I wrote an entry on this blog every day for a year and a half. I cannot promise I will do that again. If you look at the past entries here, you will see that I have taken quite a while off. I think I am going to do things a bit differently this time. I want to do the entries on my tablet or my computer instead of handwritten journal pages. This may change, but it is my current modus operandi. Look at that, I actually used Latin, ha ha.

I stayed up all night. I seem to do this quite often recently. I enjoy the peace and quiet of the hours when Mom is sleeping. I am also able to keep watch over her. I need time to myself, I steal it in the darkness. I seem more creative in the wee hours of the night. Sometimes I write what I consider very good statuses and poems on Facebook overnight. If you follow me here, you might like to friend me on there. Send me a message and I will answer your request.

I have managed to keep my weight to 135 pounds for over a year now, down from over 200 pounds on December 6, 2013. I believe having a Samsung Galaxy Gear and the MyFitnessPal app have helped a great deal. Walking miles each day has been instrumental too. Here is a picture to illustrate the difference in my appearance…

The second photo is me today. Not the best lighting for taking a good picture. I am not great at selfies. Cannot ever seem to get that right. I try, but it seems an impossibility for me.

I am going to add a gratitude list today. I hope you will join me in taking a few moments to note your blessings. It seems to help me stay more positive and you may find it works for you too.

I Am Grateful:

1) Christmas is over.

2) The new year has begun with all its open days to fill with accomplishments.

3) I am able to read and write because of an excellent public education overseen by some outstanding teachers.

4) I have begun working on Otherwise Entertained again.

5) Mom has finally started moving around a bit more after almost two months of mostly inactivity.

6) I have some wonderful tools to employ in creative activity.

7) My dog, Hope, who is nine and a half years old is doing well. She is a joy in my life.

8) I have been listening to more music lately.

9) The weather is cooling off after unseasonable warmth and I am able to wear long sleeves.

10) God is good all the time and in all ways.

Now I am going to ask you to do a few things. First, if you enjoyed reading this, please follow my blog and leave a comment if you have time. Secondly, get your own self busy and do something creative today. You have all the talent you need for it. I have faith in your ability and you should too. Share your ideas and creations with the world. The world needs everyone’s input. You will change lives, including your own.

Jo Ann

Progress Report and New Beginning

I have made a great deal of progress since December 6, 2013, just walking and watching calories. I am down from 200 pounds to 179.6 pounds as of this morning.

Today, I am starting 10 Week Body Change. I had to take measurements and a photo to begin.

Weight: 179.6 pounds
Hips: 43 inches
Waist: 38 inches
Left thigh: 25 inches
Right thigh: 25 inches

I know that is pretty awful, and maybe too much information, but I want to come back with progress…

It is a good thing I already made some significant changes, because sodas are taboo, as are artificial water sweeteners… Gonna be some difficulty with that, but at least I have somewhat weaned myself.

The food choices look pretty good, but some things are gonna be challenging.

My new goal is 120 pounds… That should be quite a change.

We shall see…

Here is what I look like today:

Start of BodyChange 2014-01-20

I am so grateful to have come this far… Now I have more to look forward to accomplishing.

Jo Ann