Journal Poems

The pages I do with fountain pens are a bit more difficult. I keep wondering why I am trying so hard to get good at using them. They are at best finicky.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

I encourage you to visit It is where I am currently working daily. This I only update occasionally.


Occasionally, I am asked how I maintain my creativity and output. The answer is not easy to give. I do not fully understand it myself, but there are things I practice.

I choose to create every day. Writing is what I do most often. I keep a journal that catches much of the produce of my thought. It is not a personal diary or a planner, but a book of ideas. I keep it in longhand.

At times I have no desire to write, but I do it anyway. I am aware that all I create will not be great or even good. I am comfortable with writing poorly at times because I can edit that out. Getting words to flow is the goal. If I skip days, a dam develops, and priming myself is very hard.

For me, writing is the constant of my lifetime. I began at a young age and have continued working with words no matter my situation. It is like eating, I do it to survive.

To inspire me, I read everything, and each day. I study reference and craft books. I read fiction, non-fiction, scripture, devotionals, newspapers, magazines, professional journals, biographies, poetry, various pieces on-line, and anything else that comes before me.

I rarely watch television or video. I have an extreme aversion to advertising, which is inescapable with television, so I avoid it.

I listen to a wide variety and large quantity of music. When I work, I often have it playing though I love quiet too.

My vision is that no subject is so dull it cannot be covered in writing. Surprising results can be achieved writing about the seemingly mundane. A word can be the basis of a poem or story. The life of the mind, a task, a visual, an emotion, an idea, anything is material.

After years of writing, I realize something I believe of keen interest, may appeal to no one else. An essential part of maintaining creative practice is distancing one’s satisfaction with the work from the results. If no one reacts to an effort, it is not an indication it is unworthy. It only means at this moment it did not draw attention.

Creation is never wasted. Skill and definition require training in methods and practice. All words lead toward correct composition. Labor is not done in vain. Talent must be honed to become stronger, better.

I keep producing because I love people, and I hope to encourage and inspire. Often I am unsure of my offering, but words manifest, so I capture them.

I create a lot because I see it as a good practice. The process must progress to accomplish any success.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan


We exchange our time
For fulfilling our desires,
Fragile happiness,
Where love and relationship
Are the needs without compare.


Harms often find us
But these never define us;
Victories make us,
What love willingly bestows
Our hearts share, among others.


A life born today
New unto the world will change
With love, those soon touched,
For every person gifts us
With hopes, dreams, blessings, anew.


What cannot be done
Does not explain that which can
For our strength is found
Despite the fragility
Built on our infirmities.


Tanka is a five-line syllabic form with counts 5-7-5-7-7. I enjoy counting syllables, so I use them a lot. If you like, as a prompt, write some tanka of your own.

I have a longer piece coming if I can decide whether to scan it or type it. Although I have typed for a very long time, I find little joy in it. The Remington Rand and Royal might have something to do with that. Thankfully, my Microsoft keyboard is a bit less taxing than were the manual typewriters. Yes, I remember when but make no mistake. I am a native here, now.

I hope your day was joyful, and your burdens were light. All life is a celebration rejoicing at the moment.

I think suffering may be provided to magnify joy; when the night is darkest, the light appears brightest.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

When Dawn Falls Down

Au Revoir

You carried my heart
Within an inside pocket,
There it was kept warm
Protected by your sweet love;
I lived happiness, galore.
Loving made me bold
Set my inhibitions free,
The ruin of me;
I became wild as water
Life without you frightens me.
Lone, I continue
Love exists, enough to share,
But you are not here,
I walk a shadow of who
The woman was loving you.


Who would have me write
If my vacancies were clear?
By the strains of illness, pain,
I cannot fully explain.


Pain, with all within
We would wish it over, gone,
Still, pain defines time
Validates all life’s pleasure,
The dreams, hopes, love are enshrined.



I would gladly choose
You who are a mystery
To help liberate
The bonds time forged over me,
Every expression of love
Hidden from my touch
Buried so my passions strong
Are never declared.


The fear that haunts us
Wishes to wreck, destroy us,
But LOVE overcomes.


Firelight and shadow
Are within us all contained
We choose our joy, pain.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

These may seem a bit dark. Sometimes the shadow attempts to put me in a vault and shut me away with the bones. It does not recall that I used to visit those places pretending they were palaces. Long corridors and marbled floors, echoes of whispers, and oh the glories when I became brave enough to sing.

I never said I was normal. LOL!

I am reading The Two Towers. If you have never cracked those books, I highly recommend them, if only for the unparalleled joy of the language.


Words Are Dodgy

When the writing screams
You must be lying, joking,
To believe I will
Do your bidding, my ideas
Are none of your mind’s concern.
Then is the moment
To double the commitment,
Producing the work
While knowing no one can make
Every line sing perfectly.
Submit to the sound
Faraway, interpreted,
The fury hides, guides,
Melody binds harmony
Poetry awakes, licks air.
Taste sudden wonder
For magic comes, awakens,
Touches warming skin
Overrides every sorrow
Bursts open needed blessings.
“They are only words,”
Ah, so we could keep them all
Never speaking out,
Not carrying the pleasure,
But no, we must ever share.


A dream though lofty
Stumbles toward the spotlight,
Proclaiming itself
Everything searched for before,
Nothing we can now ignore.


Hungry for success
Many have tried to become
Someone they were not,
Finding themselves empty, tired,
Unhappy, returning bored.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

I finally found a lighter mood. A conversation brought it from a distant place. To add emphasis, the music took over, so here we are. I hope all are well. This world has become a bit daunting, but we are still here, and the fight is not over. I appreciate your visit. I hope you will follow the site or often return.

I have decided to post this on two of my acres of cyberspace. My primary place to post is now Haphazard Creative, should you wish to explore my newer work, please follow me there.

An entry from Haphazard Creative

Sharing: I am totally messed up! Really?

It is our decision

2018-02-21 Me

You must choose creativity if you wish to gain or expand creative ability. The choice will help you accept that you are, or become more of, a creative person.

If you write, I suggest lots of reading. Be selective though; books and magazines about the writer’s craft, creativity, inspirational books, devotionals, and pictorial books. Magazines, newspapers, candy reading (whatever you most enjoy), biographies (these give you insight into real people whose characteristics you can weave into realistic characters). Psychology, design, histories, poetry, and I am sure you are getting some ideas of your own.

For photographers, there is no substitute for getting out and shooting, even pictures from home can hone skills. National Geographic, Wired, Vogue, Architectural Digest, and other photo-laden magazines can have you imagining things to try. Photography magazines can instruct and inform. A photography club can provide critique and instruction.

Classes may be beneficial if you find an excellent instructor and can afford to invest those funds. Writers and photographers are well-advised to combine the talents. Should your skills be weaker in one, endeavor to improve. Text and pictures together draw more sustained attention than the presentation of either alone. Practice will enhance the work quickly if you focus on creative intensity, but be willing to invest years in becoming a master.

Art! Art is where my focus has broken down, but instruction books, classes, visiting places that contain art (even just the local craft store where there are prints), practice and more practice will help you grow your innate creative talent. Be courageous, you do not have to be Frida, Pablo, Leonardo, or Georgia, at this time, be yourself. Experiment, use color, use media, be bold, develop your eyes, and your hands. Find your element.

You are you, and your creative genius is exactly what your audience is searching for, your reach will increase in proportion to the effort you dedicate. If you misplace a line assume it should be there and build it into your creation. The chances are no one will ever discover what you consider imperfection. The audience forgives what to it is unknown. Would that I heeded my advice, but some are more beholden to perfectionism than are others.

Music, I seldom articulate my background, but I was in chorus and choir from an early age. I lettered in chorus the three full years I attended high school. I also studied guitar a few years and spent many hours happily playing electric organ. The choral lessons taught diction and enunciation. I left music when I lost my Kimball organ, I had it from the seventies until 2000. The wound is deep.

I will tell you if you have the gift of voice, or if you do not, it is a choice. The vocal instrument can be improved with time. You must want the facility, or it will elude you. Should you perform, do not stumble over a mistake, sing out, smile and keep going. The audience will not realize you fumbled unless your stress draws attention to it.

I have gone long. Sometimes, I find a groove.

I realized I have 1,330 followers on the blog, Chronicles. I thought those would follow me to the new venue, but it seems not. So, I am debating what I should do. There should be a way via WordPress to incorporate the two. Combining things and setting new priorities is sometimes a weakness of mine. Creative solutions are my mark so I will come up with something. I am working more on Haphazard Creative

I am grateful:

  1.   I have a best friend.
  2.   I can play my stereo loud.
  3.   I have food to eat.
  4.   There is hot water.
  5.   I am comfortable writing.
  6.   I have books to read.
  7.   Pen and ink.

You have by now seen enough of my Gratitude Lists that you should be practicing them yourself. If not, ask yourself why you refuse. It is a beneficial habit.

The match lighting the fire of
Our talent’s intent.


Fill your mind with all
The inspiration it will
Hold, then make it new.


Travel the spaces
Between the living moments
Cradle your ideas.


As a prompt, consider your creative talents and make a plan to foster your skills and increase them. You may need to dedicate more time or clear space. Prepare yourself for success, and you will indubitably find it.

Thank you for visiting Chronicles. I hope you found something instructional, inspiring, or encouraging. If you like, please click the follow button, or come back when you are able. God Bless and Keep You, Everyday, Everyway, Always and Forever.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Awaken Now

Awaken Now

Let me go to sleep
Within the borders of walls
And then awaken
In an attitude, such that
The world becomes paradise;
People all become treasures
Whose dreams I facilitate.
Let me be an instrument
Of God unleashed for great good.
I am only one, but may
I be one making progress
For each brother and sister;
All humans are family
I am meant to encourage
And nurture into greatness.
The change, all change must begin
Within hearts reaching for excellence,
Going beyond the barriers
Of self-interest, preoccupation
With pure greed and survival.
Revolutions in thought begin
In awareness and creativity,
So, I am shaking myself awake
Knowing we can achieve unity.
Freedom is our right and I will
Extend myself to reach those
Who labor in the bondage
Of lack, need, and neglect.
Let us all forsake darkness
And revel in the abundant light
Given in minds and hearts
Dedicated to love’s purpose.

©Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
