2022 Creativity Project – Day 2

Starting and ending are easy, but the middle gives life to the story. The morass of details, building, deconstructing, together and apart, is where we find meaning for the first and last. As creators, we test ourselves and find the elements we are made from in the uncharted country that stretches infinite inside our boundaries.

Sometimes, the mistakes are where we learn the best and the most when we create. Never be afraid of failure or the line that goes awry. We can recover, but never beginning or stopping when things get difficult serves no one. Perfection is a myth; it can hold us prisoners; creation is the goal, and sometimes the process is messy.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Writing can be bizarre. We work on one thing, then find parts and pieces, fit puzzle-like with our other work. Such was my experience today; it was like chunking ideas at a mind map.

Urgent Origin

Love sometimes silent
Makes one wily and wary;
Trust, a butterfly,
Some pick the brightly colored
Wings off and set them aflame.

Slaking emotion
Within a stranger desire,
Holding back the truth,
When unbeknownst, tears fall warm –
Milk curdled in noonday sun.

Some secrets have ways
Of bleeding out over time,
Leaving stains behind
Hard to cover in the mind
Or in person, once you find.

Everyday becomes
Barred captivity with no
Date set for release,
Creativity invents
Dialogues, reasons, endless.

Tears you comprehend
But cannot ever explain
To those who must pry
Into the brown-paper wrapped
Packages under bleary eyes.

Who knows the flashes
Of memory making you?
Is your life managed
In black boxes mentally?
Can anyone explain fear?

When you smile, statements,
Does someone care, understand?
Years play melodies
Like guitars, dice, ivory –
Peddle pleasures, distant names.

No pictures remain
Glass burst, broken, twisted frames;
To travel back, no,
Claims upon the shattered heart
Too costly to rearrange.

Winners rode away
Without regret meant to say –
Drowning in bottles
Forsaking the meaning – Love –
Ravens, dark dirges – black sing.

Still, shrill the ailing,
Lonely wails, no one listens,
The darkness alone
Harbors shadows whoever
It was and somehow might be.

Castaway – leave shore,
Dump boxes full of shame, woe,
Let bad temper go,
Find the self anew, made free
Voyage into what agrees.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

As you work, see how you handle middles. Do you have beginnings and endings within them? Create inside, but aside your boundaries. Share your experience if you wish.

I am thankful:
1. Today, I had an opportunity to talk to my son, Alex.
2. The weather may become colder again.
3. I created a lot today.
4. I can determine how I employ my creativity.
5. Life is like origami; every fold adds value to the whole.

Call to Action
I hope you have enjoyed your visit to Chronicles, please see my current site, Haphazard Creative. Should you wish to share, please ask permission; all material here is © Jo Ann J. A. Jordan. Please hit the like and follow buttons if you have not already. I hope to keep this project going all year; your comments, ideas, and suggestions are welcome. All the best to you forever.

The Well, Prepared

Situation Playcation © Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Writing is the thing that teaches us to understand the experience we cannot command or comprehend. Living is a riot, constant impressions, wild digressions, unbanished obsessions, mythic approximations, and passionate exhibitions.

Love is real, no poetic fairytale; it sometimes bites with destructive force. There are other times it breathes life back into a being near become a cold, bloodless corpse. Heedless, love carries headless need into ages where hearts aflame assuage the blame for falling again.

When what you most want
Remains beyond ability
You become adept
To fulfill some hopes and dreams.

I am not ideal
But being real is enough
For those loving me.

I have discovered
The wild child passionate self
Does exist still.

I could sing you blue,
Golden, or bright rainbow hues;
I would disappear
In the arrangement of notes,
Unrecognized within you.

Love plays, tackling us,
In fields where flowers obey
Injunctions to fade;
We are colors resisting
What makes delight history.

Prompt: Create something showing how writing or art rescue from the forgetfulness of greedy insanity.

No television to distract.

I am glad you found Chronicles, but my current site is Haphazard Creative. In the sidebar, there are three methods to follow the site. Utilize one of those, or come back when your life allows. Any comments, likes, shares, suggestions, or thoughts are welcome. When you interact with creation, you impact lives.

Everything on Chronicles is © Jo Ann J. A. Jordan.

An entry from Haphazard Creative

Sharing: I am totally messed up! Really?

It is our decision

2018-02-21 Me

You must choose creativity if you wish to gain or expand creative ability. The choice will help you accept that you are, or become more of, a creative person.

If you write, I suggest lots of reading. Be selective though; books and magazines about the writer’s craft, creativity, inspirational books, devotionals, and pictorial books. Magazines, newspapers, candy reading (whatever you most enjoy), biographies (these give you insight into real people whose characteristics you can weave into realistic characters). Psychology, design, histories, poetry, and I am sure you are getting some ideas of your own.

For photographers, there is no substitute for getting out and shooting, even pictures from home can hone skills. National Geographic, Wired, Vogue, Architectural Digest, and other photo-laden magazines can have you imagining things to try. Photography magazines can instruct and inform. A photography club can provide critique and instruction.

Classes may be beneficial if you find an excellent instructor and can afford to invest those funds. Writers and photographers are well-advised to combine the talents. Should your skills be weaker in one, endeavor to improve. Text and pictures together draw more sustained attention than the presentation of either alone. Practice will enhance the work quickly if you focus on creative intensity, but be willing to invest years in becoming a master.

Art! Art is where my focus has broken down, but instruction books, classes, visiting places that contain art (even just the local craft store where there are prints), practice and more practice will help you grow your innate creative talent. Be courageous, you do not have to be Frida, Pablo, Leonardo, or Georgia, at this time, be yourself. Experiment, use color, use media, be bold, develop your eyes, and your hands. Find your element.

You are you, and your creative genius is exactly what your audience is searching for, your reach will increase in proportion to the effort you dedicate. If you misplace a line assume it should be there and build it into your creation. The chances are no one will ever discover what you consider imperfection. The audience forgives what to it is unknown. Would that I heeded my advice, but some are more beholden to perfectionism than are others.

Music, I seldom articulate my background, but I was in chorus and choir from an early age. I lettered in chorus the three full years I attended high school. I also studied guitar a few years and spent many hours happily playing electric organ. The choral lessons taught diction and enunciation. I left music when I lost my Kimball organ, I had it from the seventies until 2000. The wound is deep.

I will tell you if you have the gift of voice, or if you do not, it is a choice. The vocal instrument can be improved with time. You must want the facility, or it will elude you. Should you perform, do not stumble over a mistake, sing out, smile and keep going. The audience will not realize you fumbled unless your stress draws attention to it.

I have gone long. Sometimes, I find a groove.

I realized I have 1,330 followers on the blog, Chronicles. I thought those would follow me to the new venue, but it seems not. So, I am debating what I should do. There should be a way via WordPress to incorporate the two. Combining things and setting new priorities is sometimes a weakness of mine. Creative solutions are my mark so I will come up with something. I am working more on Haphazard Creative

I am grateful:

  1.   I have a best friend.
  2.   I can play my stereo loud.
  3.   I have food to eat.
  4.   There is hot water.
  5.   I am comfortable writing.
  6.   I have books to read.
  7.   Pen and ink.

You have by now seen enough of my Gratitude Lists that you should be practicing them yourself. If not, ask yourself why you refuse. It is a beneficial habit.

The match lighting the fire of
Our talent’s intent.


Fill your mind with all
The inspiration it will
Hold, then make it new.


Travel the spaces
Between the living moments
Cradle your ideas.


As a prompt, consider your creative talents and make a plan to foster your skills and increase them. You may need to dedicate more time or clear space. Prepare yourself for success, and you will indubitably find it.

Thank you for visiting Chronicles. I hope you found something instructional, inspiring, or encouraging. If you like, please click the follow button, or come back when you are able. God Bless and Keep You, Everyday, Everyway, Always and Forever.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Recent Missives

I have not posted in a while, but that does not mean I am not working. I am doing things on Facebook almost every day. I wanted to share these few things and show I have not forgotten my blog entirely. Much has been happening and I do not always feel like fighting with this interface. It eats my artwork, for no good reason. I don’t post anything not my own, so it makes me quite upset.

I hope you will enjoy these entries. I am doing some videos now too. If you want to see them you do not have to be my friend on Facebook to find them. Just look up my profile JoAnn J. A. Jordan and they are public so you can view them.


2017-03-27 Journal

2017-03-27 Journal Part 2jpg

2017-03-26 Monster after me In Color

2017-03-27 Journal 3

2017-03-28 Journal

I am grateful:

  1. It appears Mom will be able to come home from Rehab soon.
  2. I found music calms me being here alone.
  3. I can still write.
  4. The dogs are here to give me animal support.
  5. I made a friend who actually is not many miles away.

If you would like to work creatively, think of something that appears to be a monster in your life. Make a representation of that thing, either by writing about it or creating art or photography that visualizes it.

Please follow my blog to get alerts of my posts. I am not as regular with them as I once was, but sometimes I have things to communicate.

Thank you for reading. I hope God most generously blesses you in all you attempt and do. Remember you are precious and very important. You have a purpose and you deserve respect.

Jo Ann