Recent Missives

I have not posted in a while, but that does not mean I am not working. I am doing things on Facebook almost every day. I wanted to share these few things and show I have not forgotten my blog entirely. Much has been happening and I do not always feel like fighting with this interface. It eats my artwork, for no good reason. I don’t post anything not my own, so it makes me quite upset.

I hope you will enjoy these entries. I am doing some videos now too. If you want to see them you do not have to be my friend on Facebook to find them. Just look up my profile JoAnn J. A. Jordan and they are public so you can view them.


2017-03-27 Journal

2017-03-27 Journal Part 2jpg

2017-03-26 Monster after me In Color

2017-03-27 Journal 3

2017-03-28 Journal

I am grateful:

  1. It appears Mom will be able to come home from Rehab soon.
  2. I found music calms me being here alone.
  3. I can still write.
  4. The dogs are here to give me animal support.
  5. I made a friend who actually is not many miles away.

If you would like to work creatively, think of something that appears to be a monster in your life. Make a representation of that thing, either by writing about it or creating art or photography that visualizes it.

Please follow my blog to get alerts of my posts. I am not as regular with them as I once was, but sometimes I have things to communicate.

Thank you for reading. I hope God most generously blesses you in all you attempt and do. Remember you are precious and very important. You have a purpose and you deserve respect.

Jo Ann

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