Thoughts in the dark of night

I wrote this while most were sleeping. It was one of those times when sleep eluded me. Perhaps having a new pen had something to do with it too. I hope you can read my scribblings.


Worth More Than The Stars

You may not realize
How very important you are
In the eyes of those
Who love you completely,
And God who created you
To be His own chosen child;
No matter your mistakes, sins,
You are treasured beyond your imagining,
You are counted among the precious,
Priceless people who are never forgotten.
You are worth more than the stars.

This photograph has nothing to do with the subject recounted above, but I thought it grand.


My doggy, Hope, who is my close companion now because it is raining and she is afraid of rain.

I am grateful:

  1. I have my Mom for whom to care.
  2. My dog is a very loving animal who helps me deal with problems.
  3. There are beautiful ink pens in the world.
  4. I am reasonably good at writing.
  5. My new keyboard and mouse arrived on Monday.
  6. We have central heat and air to keep us comfortable.
  7. There is plenty of food in the house.
  8. I have very recently secured a part-time job as Copy Editor for local publications.
  9. My friends have encouraged me when I could not believe in myself.
  10. My son will soon come off recruiting duty which is his wish.

If you have the time, write a short list of things for which you are thankful. I find detailing my blessings improves my mood and makes what I lack seem less important. You might find it beneficial as well.

If you need a prompt, consider doing as the handwritten part of this entry suggests and handwrite something. If you send someone a letter or card, I guarantee it will brighten their day.

Creativity is your natural state. Open yourself to the inspiration around you, put your mind and hands to work adding something beautiful to the world. We need what you have to share. Someone might be looking for exactly what you have to say. So get busy and create a work of art in whatever form you choose.

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Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

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