
Welcome to my workout…

Rebel Yell by Billy Idol
It’s Only Rock and Roll by The Rolling Stones
I Write the Songs by Barry Manilow
The Grand Illusion by Styx
Get Down, Make Love by Queen
Some Like It Hot by Power Station
Closer by The Firm

I have moved to this list of songs in the last little while after doing an hour and a half working on some grooming for the Tribble.

Earlier today, I finally made it to town for medication, groceries, and sodas. I was dying without soda.

Before all of this transpired, I wrote in my journal, but the music and my movement had my heart rate up to 139, and I think I will do this tonight.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Tears Flow By

Why? Why kill? Why?
People, all people,
Every individual,
Each person,
Here and everywhere,
Is precious, priceless.
Human beings are
Repositories of
Creativity, goodness,
Kindness, generosity,
Faith, and hope.
When one of us
Is destroyed,
Cut down,
A bit of light,
Of happiness,
Of glory departs
The world forever;
An emptiness
Overwhelms me.
My heart aches,
Salty tears flow from
My burning eyes,
Over pale cheeks!
Is there no love
Left among us?
Why? I cry! Why?

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, July 6, 2016


Children of Interesting Times

Come over here,
Pour the 151,
And we will party
Like we have the time.
Maybe if the world is to end,
We will still be smiling,
And will not have to cry.
The truth is,
Though my destination is
Fixed and I am ready;
I do not want to die.
Death is a gentleman
And shall pass us on by.
Turn up the music,
Listen to the band;
The drink tastes great,
We will make a stand.
Love is in the air,
And our company is fine.
Continue the conversation,
Just remember the lines.
If you have a story;
Make it sing
Of beauty, freedom,
And passion in kind.
Our joy will carry us
Through eternity,
Forever is our destiny,
We are blessed, children
Of interesting times.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Please do not be offended, I think this might be a song, transmitted to me, which wanted to be written down. Once I wrote like this, all the time.


The Beginnings Of A Story

I do not know what this will lead to, since I am not really a story writer, but even a poet can dream of writing books…

Otherwise Entertained

She was married, and happily, but being married at seventeen sometimes presented a problem. There were other guys who seemed just so tempting and after all, she had never had many boyfriends. How could she? She was only seventeen.

Sometimes the situations in the game brought her character in close proximity to the other guys. As the only female there, sometimes the characters naturally flirted. Dungeons & Dragons was only a game… She kept reminding herself it was not really real. What happened in Ambazzar could not bleed over into the world she lived in every day.

She had always been the bullied one, the outcast, the last picked for the game. When suddenly one guy began to pay attention to her, she had lost her head. She fell deeply and madly in love with him immediately. She did not know what he said behind her back, like “I put a flag over her head, and did it for my country.” When he asked her to marry him she accepted, no questions asked.

Now she wondered if she did the right thing. When someone else spoke to her softly and caught her eye, she thought perhaps she had made the choice too quickly. Little did she know what the future held, none of them did, or someone would have changed it.

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Otherwise Entertained (2)

She knew what some of them were thinking… She did not blame them. She would have probably had the same thought about someone else, but she was not pregnant. She was simply in love. She begged her parents to sign for her to get married even though she was only sixteen. In fact, she threatened to kill herself if they did not allow it. She was a child, acting as a child, but she believed herself an adult.

The wedding was beautiful, not well attended, but beautiful. Only later when she looked back on the photographs would she notice one contained a wasp on her veil. She would then think of Shakespeare, but that was later.

Her husband doted on her at times, and other times he was not so kind. The unkindness could be overlooked because after all, they had wonderful times. The concerts, the name brand shoes, the books he bought, all made her feel special. No one outside her family had ever done such things.

There was alcohol, fast flowing and wild, that made her reckless and subdued her conscience. There were things they did she had never imagined.

Magic users, fighters, thieves, paladins, halflings, and orcs became a big part of their lives. After she finished graduation requirements they moved out of her parents’ house. The apartment was a little place, but she made it a home the best she could.

Time passed enchanted and the future beguiled her…

© Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Now I am wondering if this is worth pursuing. I would love to hear your thoughts and any suggestions you may have.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 151

Journal entry:

Journal 6-8-20130001DSC_0098

This poem is in answer to the prompt at Our Lost Jungle, but it also just happens to coincide with what I did this evening…

Bravery, Behind A Lens

It takes courage to
Go out alone not knowing
If friends will be there,
Events are not quite my thing
But I took my camera…

I could stand behind
That little window into
The world without fear,
Because after all people
Always smile in photographs.

A few years ago,
I could not have attended
A function where I
Was very likely going
To be a stranger to most.

I am gaining some
Courage as time travels by,
I have learned to smile
And hide my fears underneath
A veneer of confidence.

When I am taking
Pictures, I have a purpose
To keep me busy
So others do not notice
My total uneasiness.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, June 8, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I took a nap today.
2.   I had a nice outfit to wear.
3.   I decided to go to the Pebblebrook High School Spring Fling.
4.   Mom felt like being alone while I was gone.
5.   I took my Nikon D5100 and tablet.


My Saturday was quite delightful, though I was quite nervous going out. I hope your day was full of pleasant surprises. Now, I urge you to put your creativity into action and make something to share with the world. You are definitely gifted with all the talent you need to produce art. People are awaiting your vision.

As a prompt, write about something you have overcome. Your example might encourage someone else to be courageous. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for spending some of your precious time reading my blog. I hope you will visit often, but you might also want to subscribe to Chronicles by leaving your email address in the space provided above. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 149

Journal entry:

Journal 6-6-20130001


The Thirty by Thirty Challenge prompt from Our Lost Jungle for today helped inspire my poem…


I am not bitter,
For I have seen things you meant
To bring me great harm
Turn into blessings beyond
Measure of expectation.

I loved you without
Reservation giving my
Whole heart into your
Hands, but you did not respect
My trustworthy devotion.

They are bittersweet,
These years I spend without you,
But I know there is
A good reason we have gone
Our very separate ways.

I have found the strength
To stop my needless crying,
Moving on with life,
Finding happiness in things
And people besides yourself.

I am not bitter,
For I pursue great reward
In honest living,
Giving of myself to those
Who appreciate my love.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Thursday, June 6, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I got up earlier than I intended to, and so had more day to enjoy.
2.   I finished the book I was reading.
3.   I played Tetris on my tablet.
4.   My shower was refreshing.
5.   I went outside, took some photographs, and later sat on the trampoline reading on my tablet.


This Thursday was an enjoyable day. I hope you also found pleasure in it. Now, I encourage you to make an effort and create something wonderful to share with others. You have a unique vision that the world will welcome. Each of us is endowed with imagination, which can make a grand impression on people. Do not hide your creativity, but let it shine forth.

As a prompt, write about a book you have recently read, or movie you saw. You might pick out a theme from it, or a character, or write a general review. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I greatly appreciate your visit to my blog. I hope you will return often, but you might also want to subscribe to Chronicles by email. Your thoughts, suggestions, and criticism are very valuable to me, so please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 110

Journal entry:

Journal 4-28-20130001


The following poem is in answer to the prompt at Poetic Asides. I linked four shadormas together rather than only doing one… but that is just my typical mode of operation with short syllabic forms.

With Apologies
To The Rolling Stones

Maybe he
Is not the lover
She dreams of,
But he is
The one who is convenient
To share this moment.

Maybe she
Is not as pretty
As he would
Like for her
Quite assuredly to be,
But she meets his needs.

They are not
Completely happy
Because they
Have not met
Each other’s expectations,
But they are content.

You cannot
Always get what you
Want, but do
Sometimes get
Exactly what it is you
Actually need.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, April 28, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   I was already coming out of sleep when Jeremy called and got me up today.
2.   I was able to fix lunch for Mom because she was in too much pain to do it herself.
3.   The thunderstorms did not do damage to our house.
4.   Power remained on despite nearby lightning strikes.
5.   Hope finally settled down, after being terrified by the thunder.


It was a good Sunday for me, although I hate that Mom was still in pain. I hope your day went well. Take a few minutes to create now. There is no limit to the inventiveness of your imagination so put it to work. What you make might be exactly what someone needs to brighten their day, and it might also enrich yours.

As a prompt, write about meeting needs through imperfection. Your poem, story, or journal entry can be shared here by leaving a link to the work in the comments below.

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you will return to visit often, but you might also want to subscribe to Chronicles by entering your email address in the space provided above. If you have any thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann

Creativity Project Year Two-Day 89

Journal entry:

Journal 4-7-20130001


This poem combines the prompts from NaPoWriMo and Poetic Asides. You might visit those sites for inspiration, though I do not recommend you combine them as I have…

The Show Of Shows

The grandest stage of them all, where champs are made and losers fall.
A night of nights for fans who cheer and stars who shine.
We witness greatness and sore defeat, where some play fair, others cheat.

80,676 there live to cheer their favorites on to victory.
Countless fans tuning in around the world, like Mom and I here at home.
The show was great, some matches almost too close to call.

Did you by chance tune in to see WrestleMania Twenty-Nine’s pageantry?

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Sunday, April 7, 2013


I am grateful:

1.   Mom was okay with staying home this morning.
2.   I tried to sleep away the pain, and caught up a little sleep.
3.   I ordered WrestleMania 29 on Friday, so I did not run into the problems some fans did tonight.
4.   I talked to Alex overnight.
5.   WrestleMania was impressive and Mom and I were able to watch it together.


I did not quite accomplish all I wished this Sunday, because I was too uncomfortable to go to church. I hope your day was a complete success. I encourage you to take time to unleash your imagination and engage your creativity. You bring so much to the world if you only make an effort.

As a prompt, write about an event you enjoy watching or participating in. This could be anything about which you are passionate. Write a poem, story, or journal entry and leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. Please excuse the lateness of this post. The telecast kept me occupied this evening. I am so glad I wrote the journal entry early. Time got away from me though. I hope that you enjoyed your visit here and that you will subscribe to Chronicles for future updates. I usually don’t dwell on wrestling like this, but I suppose I have become a fan. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, please leave a comment.

Jo Ann


365 Creativity Project-Day 338

Journal entry:

Journal 12-12-20120001


Rocks our very
Souls moving us beyond
The limits we usually set
On our solitary lives joining us
Together with one another
Helping us become more
Than our own selves

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Wednesday, December 12, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I slept in today, and got some extra rest.
2.   I cooked the caramel for the pies.
3.   My shower was refreshing, especially since I ran out of hot water.
4.   I have lots of music to enjoy on my iPods.
5.   Mom is feeling pretty well.

I had a late start to my day, but I hope your Wednesday has been a good one. Take a few minutes of your time to do something creative. If I can do it, I am sure you can. You just have to dedicate your will to doing it.

As a prompt, write about music. I know most every life is impacted by music, whether it be songs of faith or Rock-N-Roll. Write about it. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you have thoughts, suggestions, or criticism to share, please leave a comment. You can subscribe to Chronicles if you like.

Jo Ann

365 Creativity Project-Day 334

Journal entry:

Journal 12-8-20120001

Moments Passing

The clock,
The calendar,
The hours, the days move on,
Taking us forward into our
Futures unfolding quickly before each
Of us in unending array
Of strange situations
That surprise us
In time

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan
Saturday, December 8, 2012





I am grateful:

1.   I woke up early this morning.
2.   We have free Showtime for three months.
3.   My replacement book came from Amazon.
4.   We had soup and salad for supper.
5.   God loves me extravagantly and completely.

It has been a quiet day here. I hope your Saturday has been filled with joy. Now I encourage you to use your creativity to make something wonderful to share with the world. You can do this if you only make the effort.

As a prompt, use the words: clock, calendar, hours, days; in a poem, story, or journal entry. I know you can create something even better than I did, if you will try. If you use this prompt, please leave a link to your work in the comments below.

I am so grateful you took time to visit my blog. If you enjoyed Chronicles, consider subscribing to the blog. I would welcome your thoughts, suggestions, or criticism, so please leave a comment.

Jo Ann