An entry from Haphazard Creative

Sharing: I am totally messed up! Really?

Come to Haphazard Creative

2017-08-21 Me

Hi there,

I am trying something brand new. I have a website called Haphazard Creative – Constant Creation. This new site is designed to bring creative content and will not resemble a journal as does Chronicles.

I, and hopefully others, will be discussing the creative impulse, displaying work in various disciplines, giving prompts to get you creating, instructional articles, and more. I hope you will join this new venture.

All of you have been supportive and I appreciate your following here, but you are equally welcome to do so at the new website.

The address is and I know you will find it better than even what I did here.

Please join this new adventure and thank you for your attentiveness through the years.

Thank you and take care,
Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Recent Missives

I have not posted in a while, but that does not mean I am not working. I am doing things on Facebook almost every day. I wanted to share these few things and show I have not forgotten my blog entirely. Much has been happening and I do not always feel like fighting with this interface. It eats my artwork, for no good reason. I don’t post anything not my own, so it makes me quite upset.

I hope you will enjoy these entries. I am doing some videos now too. If you want to see them you do not have to be my friend on Facebook to find them. Just look up my profile JoAnn J. A. Jordan and they are public so you can view them.


2017-03-27 Journal

2017-03-27 Journal Part 2jpg

2017-03-26 Monster after me In Color

2017-03-27 Journal 3

2017-03-28 Journal

I am grateful:

  1. It appears Mom will be able to come home from Rehab soon.
  2. I found music calms me being here alone.
  3. I can still write.
  4. The dogs are here to give me animal support.
  5. I made a friend who actually is not many miles away.

If you would like to work creatively, think of something that appears to be a monster in your life. Make a representation of that thing, either by writing about it or creating art or photography that visualizes it.

Please follow my blog to get alerts of my posts. I am not as regular with them as I once was, but sometimes I have things to communicate.

Thank you for reading. I hope God most generously blesses you in all you attempt and do. Remember you are precious and very important. You have a purpose and you deserve respect.

Jo Ann

Thoughts in the dark of night

I wrote this while most were sleeping. It was one of those times when sleep eluded me. Perhaps having a new pen had something to do with it too. I hope you can read my scribblings.


Worth More Than The Stars

You may not realize
How very important you are
In the eyes of those
Who love you completely,
And God who created you
To be His own chosen child;
No matter your mistakes, sins,
You are treasured beyond your imagining,
You are counted among the precious,
Priceless people who are never forgotten.
You are worth more than the stars.

This photograph has nothing to do with the subject recounted above, but I thought it grand.


My doggy, Hope, who is my close companion now because it is raining and she is afraid of rain.

I am grateful:

  1. I have my Mom for whom to care.
  2. My dog is a very loving animal who helps me deal with problems.
  3. There are beautiful ink pens in the world.
  4. I am reasonably good at writing.
  5. My new keyboard and mouse arrived on Monday.
  6. We have central heat and air to keep us comfortable.
  7. There is plenty of food in the house.
  8. I have very recently secured a part-time job as Copy Editor for local publications.
  9. My friends have encouraged me when I could not believe in myself.
  10. My son will soon come off recruiting duty which is his wish.

If you have the time, write a short list of things for which you are thankful. I find detailing my blessings improves my mood and makes what I lack seem less important. You might find it beneficial as well.

If you need a prompt, consider doing as the handwritten part of this entry suggests and handwrite something. If you send someone a letter or card, I guarantee it will brighten their day.

Creativity is your natural state. Open yourself to the inspiration around you, put your mind and hands to work adding something beautiful to the world. We need what you have to share. Someone might be looking for exactly what you have to say. So get busy and create a work of art in whatever form you choose.

If you have enjoyed this blog, I invite you to explore more pages, follow it, so you get email updates, and come back to visit often.

Jo Ann J. A. Jordan

Days Passing

Fair days of Autumn
When chill spices soft night air
We remember youth;
Every moment held wonder
Derived from pleasures we gained.


Do what you can do
To bring you success closer,
Make your dreams come true;
You have power, ability,
Creativity enough
To accomplish whatever
You can imagine your own.

I hope you are having a wonderful week. Mine has been a mixture of enjoyable and troublesome. I lost a nose pad on my glasses and got an awful headache, but I went today and had the nose pad replaced. I am grateful I was able to have that done.

If you need a prompt for your writing look at the picture above and think what Autumn means to you.

I am grateful:

I am can drive.
I have plenty of clothes.
I had a credit with Microsoft store that allowed me to get some neat apps.
I voted early in the month.
Hope’s check up went well, and I was able to pay for it this year without borrowing the money.

Thank you for visiting my blog. If you enjoyed what you found here, please subscribe.

Jo Ann

If We Were Aware


Often we do not see what is happening around and within us until after the time has passed. Our awareness is not tuned into the present. Much of the time we are ruminating over the past or fantasizing about the future. This is not an ideal way to live. Throughout time many of our most respected leaders have recommended we become more in touch with the now.

If we wish to contribute to our times in ways that are important, we must engage in every moment. Creativity is not something for which we can delve into our past to enact, nor project into the far future. The reality is now is where creation occurs. We work with the materials and details of today. We take a scene we see, a conversation overheard, an article or book read, and we turn them into something that influences others. Our ability as creators is attached to the present. We may reach people in the future, but our work does not originate there.

We must commit ourselves to paying attention, being mindful, becoming involved in each moment of every day we live. Time is a precious commodity, and we should never waste it in a daze of careless inattention. We invent our lives and thereby touch others. This is a task we should take up with determination. We cannot change the world in the past because there is no way to return there. We cannot make a difference by stepping into the future because it is not here yet. Only now, only today, in this present can we impact events. We are instruments uniquely equipped to use our creativity to contribute positively to our lives and those of others with whom we interact.

When we face life with a positive attitude, sharing our smiles and encouragement, we can do lasting good. No matter what may have happened in our past, today we can give the world something that will help make it a better place. Every human being has talents, gifts, creative energy to share.

I urge you to become more intimately involved in your life. Notice what is around you, pay attention to your thoughts, ideas, emotions, begin to employ your gifts, talents, abilities more effectively. You are unique, an individual with the power to assist others in becoming the best version of themselves, as you also achieve this yourself.

I suggest you take a few moments to examine and detail the things for which you are grateful. Gratitude has a way of improving mood and bringing happiness. Here is a short list of mine.

I am grateful:

  •  I learned how to use a new app that will improve my work.

  •  Magazines are available electronically from the library.

  • Conversation with my Mom is a gift I still enjoy.

  • Reading on my tablet is fun.

  • My current computer arrangement is excellent.

In this house of peace
I will have no argument,
No disagreement;
It is quiet, no one crying,
Tenderness is spoken here.


Engage your creativity with the following prompt: Express some ways or reasons why you and others can or should engage yourself in the present.

Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I hope you found it edifying. If you enjoyed the time you spent here, please come again. You may also subscribe to receive updates by email.

There are many unhappy things in our world. My wish for you is happiness, prosperity, and a multitude of blessings. Be at peace and do well.

Jo Ann

You Know It


You Know It

Maybe you do not realize all the knowledge you hold inside. Every moment since you arrived on Earth you have been gathering information and deducing facts and opinions from what you learned. You hold a universe of intelligence larger than even the most complicated computer. There is more known to you than you can fathom. Even so, all your experience, all the information you know, can be accessed with careful application. You need only open yourself to the flow of all your awareness. Make a habit of challenging your mind. Do things that require deep thought and concentration. These will expand your powers of perception and mindfulness.

When you feel comfortable, you are more likely to engage your creativity and make things you wish to share with others. Try to enter a state of relaxation before embarking on creative adventures. A peaceful mind is easier to access. Put on some music that calms you, center yourself by meditating or doing something that soothes you. Perhaps coloring, crocheting, knitting, painting, drawing, repetitive actions bring you to a comfortable state. Whatever makes you feel most at home in your skin, do it.

Do not mistakenly decide your knowledge or creations are unworthy of sharing. You might have just the information another person seeks. Your creation might be the thing that touches someone and changes their life for the better. You have more power to effect transformation than you realize. Make yourself a vessel of change by opening to all you hold within.

There is a logic and purposeful reason to all you accomplish. Your ability to influence the world is enormous. When you set out to achieve your dreams you not only improve your life but you make a positive impact on the universe. Other people find betterment because of your work. Nothing you do happens in a vacuum. You can inspire others to grow and fulfill their destiny. You have talents, gifts, abilities, that allow you to contribute great things to society. You make a difference. No one can take your place or create what you can and will.

This day is yours to alter the fabric of reality in a positive way. Dedicate yourself to positively giving your skills to build those you touch in life. Be an encourager and strive to be an inspiration. You can do so much. Nothing is beyond your creative scope. You are an agent of good.

Nothing is too hard
For you to achieve when you
Apply your effort
To creating an outcome
With a positive effect.

A bit of gratitude can improve life. Take a few minutes to make a list of things you are thankful for right now. Here is mine.

I am grateful:
1)   I have the ability to read and write.
2)   I was fortunate to be educated and gained a love of learning.
3)   I have a home that shelters me from the elements.
4)   There is plenty of food to nourish my body.
5)   The technology I possess helps me create.
6)   My mother is doing well though she is 87 years old and has Parkinson’s Disease.
7)   My dog, Hope, is a loving companion.
8)   I have opportunities to learn and grow.
9)   I have plenty of books to read.
10) Life is an adventure every day.

I hope this journal entry has inspired you. If you enjoyed it or gained from it, please visit my blog again. You are always welcome here. You can subscribe if you would like.

Thank you for sharing your time with me. I hope all goes well for you and that you are showered with blessings.

Jo Ann
